Arkngt is talking about loot only.
Spawns are just the luck of the draw. Altering these to suit low level characters isn't what OOO is about so they will remain unchanged.
If you want that then you may as well play the vanilla game.
What Shikishima said. It's problematic that Gargoyles have no loot as it breaks the risk vs. reward system, i.e. they are hard to beat but you don't get anything for the effort. This is fixed for the next version of OOO. That there are Gargoyles and Mountain Lions out there even for Level 1 chars is however perfectly in tune with OOO's philosophy, so nothing to fix. From the introduction to OOO in the readme:
Well, maybe I've gotten too used to FF12's system when it comes to that. They place high level monsters in areas you're not suppose to venture yet, but if you can conquer them at early levels you do get rewarded for it. Same with the hunts and marks.
The thing with the gargoyle was that I came across it in the first run up to Cloud Top. Of course I figured there was no point in running since I was gonna get creamed anyway. So I reloaded and on my next run by the same spot, nothing. If not a bunch of deer.
It's not like in Morrowind where the locals warn you of Red Mountain and you get "surprised" by an Ascended Sleeper the first time and then reload and only get confronted by a rat the second time. Plus there is high end loot up on Red Mountain for those low level fools (like me

) tempted to try.
I dunno. I guess I just gotta get the notion out of my head that if there are some high level enemies, there better be some high level loot they're guarding. Or at least have some sort of warning.
None-the-less, I'll heed your warning with OOO and keep my eyes peeled open more for these monsters. I still have to adjust after coming off a more vanilla play through and having accelerated the leveling process. I have one companion with my newest play through and just conquered a vampire dungeon on the way to Cheydinhal. Of course it was no easy feet at level one, but after several tries I finally achieved it and got a glass dagger and an elven shortsword out of the deal. Though, I did run into a strange glitch where as summoned Mud Golem outlasted its Vampire Patriarch master. Killed the Patriarch just outside of the dungeon and went back in to sweep through and make sure it was all clear, only to find a Mud Golem still about. I thought maybe the Mud Golem was one of the originally spawned enemies, but his corpse fully disappeared after my companion and I finally managed to kill it. Probably just a fluke though.