So I was watching the TV Series "Legend of the Seeker" and decided to recreate it for Oblivion. Since I couldn't find many Hi-res reference pictures of the original, I had to use a little creative freedom on the textures. Personally, I think it came out quite close to the original though

The included esp is fully playable, but the Sword itself is not in any way overpowered or enchanted. The Runes on the Blade have a glowmap attached, meaning they'll glow bright orange in the dark.
This is intended as a modder's resource and can be used freely in your mod as long as credits are given.
Original Readme:
The Elder Scrolls IV OBLIVION==================Sword of Truth - Modder's Resource==================1. Description2. Requirements3. Installing the plug-in4. Playing the plug-in5. Save games6. Conflicts/Known Errors7. Credits/Permissions received8. Contact and Information9. Legal Stuff/Disclaimer10. Anything else===============1. DESCRIPTION===============This is a (not exact) replica of the Sword of Truth as seen in the TV Series "Legend of the Seeker" and originally mentioned in Terry Goodkind's "Sword of Truth" novels.The Textures are not an exact recreation, so I've allowed myself a little creative freedom while making them. However, I've still tried to remain as close as possible to the original design of the Sword.All meshes and textures were created by myself (Darkness Eternal) from scratch.===============2. Requirements===============None========================3. INSTALLING THE PLUGIN========================Unpack and copy all files to your Oblivion Data Folder=====================4. PLAYING THE PLUGIN=====================Activate the Sword of Truth.esp before playing. Go to the Bayroan Stables just outside of Bravil and you'll find the Sword outside.===============5. SAVE GAMES===============N/a============================6. CONFLICTS / KNOWN ERRORS============================None================================7. CREDITS / PERMISSIONS RECEIVED================================Feel free to use this as a resource. However, please give me credit if you use it in your mod. No need to ask for permission as long as credit is given.==========================8. CONTACT AND INFORMATION==========================Darkness Eternal.You can reach me via TES Nexus or the Sands of Destiny message board at ""=========================9. LEGAL STUFF/ DISCLAIMER=========================Can't think of anything other than giving ABC Studios credits for the original design of the sword as seen in the TV Series. The Legend of the Seeker website is here ""The "SWord of Truth" is originally named after the Sword mentioned in the Novels by Terry Goodkind ( ANYTHING ELSE=================Tools used:- 3D Studio Max 2010- Photoshop CS4- NifSkope- Oblivion CS