A Slaanesh the Corruptor Production....
Table of Contents:
1. Description
2. Installing
3. Playing
4. Credits
5. Disclaimer
1. Description:
This mod will add a rumour to Seyda Neen which will allow you to embark upon a quest to join the ultimate force of darkness; Shar.
You will meet a Priest, named Abeth Drune, who will accompany you along your quest to learn more of Shar...
Eventually, you will have the power to summon the will of Shar with an enchanted amulet, live in her temple, and talk with her priest...
By the way, this IS A FORGOTTEN REALMS MOD. Thanks :foodndrink:
2. Installing
Extract to Morrowind/Datafiles
3. Playing
Activate the ESP in the launcher, then Click START. Upon loading, goto Seyda Neen and ask about latest rumours. Eventually
you'll hear about the Cult...
4. Credits
MidgetAlien- Support and Motivation, Thanks

Arcimaestro Anteres- Portal in Sharran Temple
Tonal Architect- Interior design and building in Mathas Manor. He designed and built all of it. Thanks man

5. Disclaimer
I am not repsonsible for your computer, mobile device, toilet, or any other thing you put my files in the following download in.
I am not responsible for viruses, CTD's, explosions, gun weilding bunnies, or anything else of the sort.
Feel free to contact me at:
Have fun!
And until that is approved there; http://www.mediafire.com/?iyuq53aww466shf