Regarding the fixed nGCD script: Seems to work!

Anyway, now, with a working nGCD as backup option, I′m curious for the successor mod!
*snip*; The settings and their defaults are:; set fd.debug to 0; set fd.debugConScribe to 1; set fd.DebugOBSE to -1; Settings for better lightningbolts (source: bgMagicLightningbolt.esp) set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "fShockBoltsLength" set fd.Value to 125.000000 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "fShockBranchLifetime" set fd.Value to 0.125000 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "iShockBranchNumBolts" set fd.Value to 0 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "iShockBranchSegmentsPerBolt" set fd.Value to 1 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "iShockNumBolts" set fd.Value to 2 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "iShockSegmentsPerBolt" set fd.Value to 75 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "fShockBoltGrowWidth" set fd.Value to 1.750000 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "fShockBoltSmallWidth" set fd.Value to 4.000000 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "fShockBoltsRadius" set fd.Value to 32.000000 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "fShockBoltsRadiusStrength" set fd.Value to 2.500000 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "fShockGlowColorG" set fd.Value to 0.700000 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "fShockGlowColorR" set fd.Value to 0.600000 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "fShockGlowColorB" set fd.Value to 1.000000 SetStage fd 1; Settings for realistic magic force (source: RealisticMagicForceLow.esp) set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "fMagicExplosionPowerMax" set fd.Value to 0.000000 SetStage fd 1; Settings for realistic force (source: RealisticForceHigh.esp) set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "fDeathForceForceMin" set fd.Value to 45.000000 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "fDeathForceForceMax" set fd.Value to 55.000000 SetStage fd 1; Settings (source: JCN_AV Uncap.esp); global stats uncapping set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "iavuMaxAttributeBase" set fd.Value to 200 ; vanilla 100, recommended uncapped 200 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "iavuMaxSkillBase" set fd.Value to 200 ; vanilla 100, recommended uncapped 200 SetStage fd 1; special stats uncapping set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "favuMaxHandDamageAttribute" set fd.Value to 0 ; vanilla 100, uncapped 0 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "favuMaxWeaponDamageAttribute" set fd.Value to 0 ; vanilla 100, uncapped 0 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "favuMaxAlchemyEffectiveSkill" set fd.Value to 0 ; vanilla 100, uncapped 0 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "favuMaxCasterSkillCostSkill" set fd.Value to 0 ; vanilla 100, uncapped 0 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "favuMaxDetectionSneakSkill" set fd.Value to 0 ; vanilla 100, uncapped 0 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "favuMaxHandDamageSkill" set fd.Value to 0 ; vanilla 100, uncapped 0 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "favuMaxWeaponDamageSkill" set fd.Value to 0 ; vanilla 100, uncapped 0 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "favuMaxWornArmorSkill" set fd.Value to 0 ; vanilla 100, uncapped 0 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "fMaxArmorRating" set fd.Value to 95.0 ; vanilla 85.0, DP - Melee Combat 95.0 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "fBlockMax" set fd.Value to 1.00 ; vanilla 0.75, DP - Melee Combat 1.0 SetStage fd 1; Dimishing returns; enable/disable (1/0) set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "iavuBlindnessUseDR" set fd.Value to 1 ; default 0 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "iavuBlockDamageReductionUseDR" set fd.Value to 1 ; default 0 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "iavuChameleonUseDR" set fd.Value to 1 ; default 0 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "iavuDefendBonusUseDR" set fd.Value to 1 ; default 0 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "iavuMagicCasterSkillCostUseDR" set fd.Value to 1 ; default 0 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "iavuMagicEffectResistUseDR" set fd.Value to 1 ; default 0 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "iavuMagicItemResistUseDR" set fd.Value to 1 ; default 0 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "iavuReflectDamageUseDR" set fd.Value to 1 ; default 0 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "iavuResistNormalWeaponsUseDR" set fd.Value to 1 ; default 0 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "iavuSpellAbsorbUseDR" set fd.Value to 1 ; default 0 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "iavuSpellReflectUseDR" set fd.Value to 1 ; default 0 SetStage fd 1; Dimishing returns; settings (exp. decayrate: 1.85, 1.12, 0.7, 0.54, 0.4; exp. growthrate: 0.36, 0.83, 2.25, 3.0, 4.5) set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "favuBlindnessDecayRate" set fd.Value to 1.12 ; default 1.12 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "favuBlindnessGrowthRate" set fd.Value to 0.83 ; default 0.83 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "favuBlockDamageReductionDecayRate" set fd.Value to 1.12 ; default 1.12 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "favuBlockDamageReductionGrowthRate" set fd.Value to 0.83 ; default 0.83 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "favuChameleonDecayRate" set fd.Value to 1.12 ; default 1.12 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "favuChameleonGrowthRate" set fd.Value to 0.83 ; default 0.83 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "favuDefendBonusDecayRate" set fd.Value to 1.12 ; default 1.12 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "favuDefendBonusGrowthRate" set fd.Value to 0.83 ; default 0.83 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "favuMagicEffectResistDecayRate" set fd.Value to 1.12 ; default 1.12 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "favuMagicEffectResistGrowthRate" set fd.Value to 0.83 ; default 0.83 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "favuMagicItemResistDecayRate" set fd.Value to 1.12 ; default 1.12 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "favuMagicItemResistGrowthRate" set fd.Value to 0.83 ; default 0.83 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "favuReflectDamageDecayRate" set fd.Value to 1.12 ; default 1.12 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "favuReflectDamageGrowthRate" set fd.Value to 0.83 ; default 0.83 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "favuResistNormalWeaponsDecayRate" set fd.Value to 1.12 ; default 1.12 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "favuResistNormalWeaponsGrowthRate" set fd.Value to 0.83 ; default 0.83 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "favuSpellAbsorbDecayRate" set fd.Value to 1.12 ; default 1.12 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "favuSpellAbsorbGrowthRate" set fd.Value to 0.83 ; default 0.83 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "favuSpellReflectDecayRate" set fd.Value to 1.12 ; default 1.12 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "favuSpellReflectGrowthRate" set fd.Value to 0.83 ; default 0.83 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "favuMagicCasterSkillCostSkillOffset" set fd.Value to 33.3 ; default 33.3 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "fActorLuckSkillMult" set fd.Value to 0 ; vanilla 0.4, default 0 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "favuActorLuckSkillDecayRate" set fd.Value to 1.02 ; vanilla 0, default 1.02 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "favuActorLuckSkillGrowthRate" set fd.Value to 0.831 ; vanilla 0, default 0.831 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "favuActorLuckSkillOffset" set fd.Value to 50.0 ; default 50.0 SetStage fd 1; additional settings set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "favuAlchemyEffectiveSkillBaseMult" set fd.Value to 1 ; vanilla 1 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "favuAlchemyEffectiveSkillCurrentMult" set fd.Value to 0 ; vanilla 0 SetStage fd 1 set fd.GMST to sv_Construct "favuReflectDamageProjectileMult" set fd.Value to 0 ; vanilla 0 SetStage fd 1