tejón's Racial Adjustment Package http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=26216(TRAP v0.9)"X" in ability descriptions is equal to the character's highest base attribute.For non-unique NPCs, X = 50.Argonian--------Well-suited to the swamps of their homeland, Argonians can breathe water andhave strong natural resistance to disease and poison. Though they face culturalchallenges among other races, the people of the root are highly adaptable andindividuals can excel in any pursuit. Str Int Wil Agi Spd End Per Male 45 40 30 45 50 30 30 Female 35 50 40 35 40 30 40Abilities: Skills: Athletics +10 Water Breathing Hand to Hand +5 75% Resistance to Disease Alchemy +10 75% Resistance to Poison Mysticism +5 50% Resistance to Shock Mercantile +5 25% Resistance to Normal Weapons Sneak +10 Powers: Reactions: NONE Sap Tongue - - on self, X seconds Restore Health 2 Restore Magicka 3 Restore Fatigue 3Breton------The product of mingling between men and elves in ages past, the now-distinctBretons have a natural affinity for magicka. They nearly rival their distantAltmeri cousins in magic, and posess natural defenses against enemy spells. Str Int Wil Agi Spd End Per Male 40 45 50 30 30 30 45 Female 35 45 45 35 30 30 50Abilities: Skills: Alteration +5 15% Resistance to Magic Conjuration +10 15% Spell Absorption Illusion +5 15% Spell Reflection Mysticism +5 Restoration +5Powers: Security +5 Dragon Skin - Speechcraft +10 - on self, 60 seconds 15% Fire Shield Reactions: Breton +5 15% Frost Shield Orc -5 15% Shock ShieldDark Elf--------Commonly known as "Dark Elves" among the races of men, the Dunmer are noted fortheir balanced integration of archery, swordplay and magic. Though culturallyinsular and often cold toward other races, they are a highly spiritual peopleand can call forth the ghosts of their ancestors for aid. Str Int Wil Agi Spd End Per Male 35 35 50 35 45 40 30 Female 35 35 50 40 40 40 30Abilities: Skills: Athletics +5 50% Resistance to Fire Blade +10 Base Magicka increased by 1/2 of Conjuration +5 current Health damage. (Non-unique Destruction +10 NPCs get +50 base Magicka.) Mysticism +5 Marksman +5Powers: Sneak +5 Ancestor Guardian - - on self, (Lvl*2) + 10 seconds Reactions: Dark Elf +15 Summon level 25 ghostly undead Argonian -5 (non-unique NPCs get 20 seconds) High Elf -5 Khajiit -5High Elf--------Often called "High Elves" in reference to both their tall stature and oftenhaughty attitudes, the Altmer are the most gifted of all the races in artsarcane. Though physically weak and abnormally susceptible to elemental magic,they are remarkably lithe and resistant to disease. Str Int Wil Agi Spd End Per Male 30 50 40 40 30 35 45 Female 30 50 40 40 35 35 40Abilities: Skills: Alchemy +5 Base Magicka increased by 2X Alteration +10 50% Resistance to Disease Conjuration +5 50% Resistance to Paralysis Destruction +5 25% Weakness to Fire Illusion +5 25% Weakness to Frost Mysticism +10 25% Weakness to Shock Speechcraft +5Powers: Reactions: High Elf +15 Deep Magicka - Dark Elf -5 - on self, instant Redguard -5 Restore Magicka 3X Wood Elf -5Imperial--------Native to the province which bears their name, the Cyrodiil are capablewarriors and shrewd diplomats. On the merits of these traits their civilizationhas subdued or assimilated nearly all of Tamriel, leading to the commonnickname for their race: "Imperials." Str Int Wil Agi Spd End Per Male 40 35 35 30 35 45 50 Female 35 40 35 35 35 40 50Powers: Skills: Heavy Armor +5 Pride of the Dragon - Illusion +5 - on self, 60 seconds Restoration +5 Fortify Luck X Light Armor +5 Star of the West - Security +10 - on touch, instant Mercantile +10 Absorb Fatigue 3X Speechcraft +5 Voice of the Emperor - - 60 ft. area, 60 seconds Reactions: Wood Elf +5 Charm 100 Dark Elf -5Khajiit-------The feline Khajiit mature into various forms depending on the phases of themoons at their birth; the Suthay-raht is among the few types which canfrequently be found outside their native deserts. True to their appearance,they are highly acrobatic and can see in the dark. Str Int Wil Agi Spd End Per Male 40 40 30 45 50 30 35 Female 35 40 30 50 45 35 35Abilities: Skills: Athletics +5 Night-Eye when in darkness Blade +5 Hand to Hand +10Powers: Acrobatics +10 Eye of Fear - Light Armor +5 - on touch, 60 seconds Security +5 Demoralize Sneak +5 Sugar - - on self, 60 seconds Reactions: Khajiit +5 Fortify Acrobatics 2X Nord -5 Fortify Athletics XNord----Citizens of icy Skyrim, the tall and rugged Nords place great value in personalstrength, often warring as a matter of honor or simply for the challenge. Thetradition of magical chanting known as thu'um grants them notable talent inspellcraft as well. Str Int Wil Agi Spd End Per Male 50 35 35 40 30 45 35 Female 50 30 40 45 30 40 35Abilities: Skills: Armorer +5 50% Resistance to Frost Block +5 10% Shield Blunt +10 Heavy Armor +5Powers: Destruction +5 Nordic Frost - Restoration +10 - on touch, instant Speechcraft +5 Frost Damage X - on touch, 60 seconds Reactions: Breton +5 Drain Speed X Nord +5 Woad - Dark Elf -5 - on self, 60 seconds Wood Elf -5 Resist Normal Weapons 50%Orc---The Orsimer of the Dragontail and Wrothgarian Mountains, known to most as"Orcs," bitterly remember their elven roots. In form and temper, they are nowseen as brutes. Still, Orcish armorers are prized for their peerlesscraftsmanship and Orc troops are among the finest in the Empire. Str Int Wil Agi Spd End Per Male 50 30 45 30 35 50 30 Female 45 30 45 35 35 50 30Abilities: Reflect Damage, magnitude = 1/4 Skills: Armorer +10 current % of damage to Health Blade +5 (non-unique NPCs get constant 10%) Block +5 Resist Magic, magnitude = 1/2 Blunt +5 current % of damage to Health Hand to Hand +5 (non-unique NPCs get constant 20%) Heavy Armor +10 When current Health % is less than Marksman +5 than current Magicka %, they are balanced by converting Magicka Reactions: Orc +5 directly to Health. Breton -5Redguard--------The race which once inhabited the shattered continent of Yokuda are known inTamriel as "Redguards," a phonetic corruption of the Ra Gada invasion forcewhich preceded the migration of their rugged culture. They are hardy, swift andtireless, and revel in combat. Str Int Wil Agi Spd End Per Male 45 30 35 30 50 45 35 Female 40 30 35 30 45 50 40Abilities: Skills: Armorer +5 50% faster Fatigue recovery Athletics +5 25% Resistance to Disease Blade +5 25% Resistance to Poison Block +10 Blunt +5Powers: Acrobatics +5 Adrenaline - Light Armor +10 - on self, instant Restore Fatigue 2X Reactions: Nord +5 Restore Health X Redguard +5 Rush - Breton -5 - on self, 60 seconds High Elf -5 Fortify Speed XWood Elf--------Clanfolk of the Western Valenwood forests, the nimble and wily Bosmer arebetter known as "Wood Elves." There are no finer archers in all of Tamriel, andtheir ability to vanish is legendary. An ancient pact with the forest-godY'ffre allows them to assert dominance over simpler creatures. Str Int Wil Agi Spd End Per Male 30 45 30 50 40 35 40 Female 30 40 30 50 40 35 45Abilities: Skills: Alchemy +5 50% Resistance to Poison Alteration +5 When sneaking undetected and not Illusion +10 moving, become invisible. Acrobatics +5 3 second delay when outdoors. Marksman +10 6 second delay when indoors. Mercantile +5 (NPCs do not have this ability.) Sneak +5Powers: Reactions: Argonian +5 Beast Tongue - Wood Elf +5 - on touch, 60 seconds High Elf -5 Command Creature Nord -5 Wild Aspect - - on self, 60 seconds Fortify Strength X NPC-Only Power: Fortify Agility X Play of Shadows - Fortify Willpower X - on self, 60 seconds Fortify Endurance X Chameleon 1%