Something I would be incredibly concerned about in any remake is the temptation to make things "better".
Look at Fallouts 1, 2, Van Buren and New Vegas (as they have common designers). Looking through those games (or in the case of VB, its design documents) you can see the refinement of game creation. In Fallout 1 there are many quests you can only complete one way and some skills that are only used once or twice a game - compare this Van Buren's design documents where you can see that balancing the use of each skill and multiple paths for different character types was very important so that skills like Doctor and Science have a use in game (and you can see further refinements of this in NV).
but if it were an official thing we end up risking a Metroid: Zero Mission situation.
Don't get me wrong C, I like the use of skills, I ain't got a problem with them, it adds to the game

I'm up for as close to the original as poss, maybe a a couple of more random locations thrown in, for running around exploration kinda thing.
As for Metroid Prime, I'm gonna agree with you, I've seen the games but never played them, so I can't comment with any authority but I'm not inclined to play Metroid P.
I'm happy for accuracy in recreating the originals with a little extra, I like the different skills, it adds to the kinda depth I want, but as I've stated I wanna make the shot not a dice role. Keep them as close as possible to the originals, but I want something closer to Vegas and FO3, I want the freedom to fight as I like to fight in games. As NT8 says it removes the RP from RPG but FO3 and Vegas have already done this and they are still classed as RPG games regardless of whether they are or not the fact is they are still RPGs and so is Oblivion but with NT8s rationale they are not RPGs anymore. So what are they??? I class them as Shooter/RPG games, maybe because of the depth and story telling, the dialogue etc.
Then FO3 shouldn't have won RPG of this year or that year or critics RPG this and that.
Lets remake them and just before I came on the forums I noticed someone is actually remaking the film Total Recall. Tis the season for remakes me thinks