Anyway, I was thinking about what my game plan would be, and then I suddenly realized I'm not too sure what to do, and I don't want to dive into the game and mess up.
-First, I'm aware at what the 'good' thief classes are, but other than starting stats, race is fairly useless, the only thing to consider is the passive. In these games I usually get a race that ISN'T very well suited for the ask, because if you're starting the game with 15 sneak/pickpocketing/lock picking, you're going to level up a lot quicker, and have more perks at your disposal. I was thinking, under this logic, the magic resist from Breton would be a great choice. Thoughts?
-Secondly, as for the thieves guild and TDBH, I'm wondering if its possible to join 'too soon'. The thieves guild I'm not worried about, I would either do it before the Golden Claw quest, or right after. However, TDBH provides some of the best armor in the game that is easily obtained. If I do the quest chain too quickly, would I be gimping myself on the opportunity to keep this armor for longer? I ASSUME the only real stat lost from doing it sooner is the armor value, and since thieves aren't SUPPOSED to get hit, I feel torn about the situation. Regardless, on my old thief I had the Guild's armor for when I wanted to steal stuffs, and when I actually quested I'd switch to TDBH.
Any advice is welcome, thanks!