» Tue May 08, 2012 4:58 pm
Reman Karoodil, né Psuuanooso, was one of the ranking Beautiful, and had taken to emulating the style and self-love habits of Reman The Terrible - often attending Anti-Thalmor demonstrations in full emperor's-nu-regalia, organs working furiously. He was arrested in a sting, along with the rest of The Beautiful upper echelons, and sentenced to die by strangulation by a jury of his social superiors.
Then, just two days before his execution was scheduled, Numidium arrived.
The extant Thalmor were driven into tangential planes, leaving a power vacuum in the Summursets that the new Imperial Overwatch was keen to fill with native marionettes. The surviving Beautiful were very keen to oblige, and Karoodil was crowned King of Firsthold by Battlemage Arctus on the 1st of Sun's Height, Year One of The Third Era.