Remapping 360 controller

Post » Wed Aug 24, 2011 12:22 am

Recently added a mod called FWE.

This mod has certain new abilities that you can set to hotkeys.

In order to make my 360 controller play nice. I need to know if there is a way to remap certain functions, such as sneak, onto the d-pad.

Considering what the d-pad in general gives me.
*Duplicate functionality of the thumbstick in menus.
I have 4 buttons going mainly unused here.
Possibly up to 8 different buttons. (diagonals)

Is there an INI where I can force the remap?
If you try to re-map while in game, you get an error about it being reserved /unable to comply.

X-Padder is not an option, as X-Padder does not provide the movement speed control that using the controller provides.
Emulating w,a,s,d digital input is not as cool as an anolog input.
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Rik Douglas
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