Remaster fallout 1 and 2?

Post » Wed Jan 12, 2011 4:38 pm

I would just be happy if they released Fallout 1, 2, and Tactics for the Xbox 360 and PS3 if it was possible. Maybe as an arcade addition. I know 1 and 2 would take work to get it playable on the console but would still be awesome IMO. I know I would pay the MS points for them.

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Post » Wed Jan 12, 2011 5:59 am

Now ive player all of the fallout series but i still find fallout 3 more enjoyable because its first person obvisouly better graphics etc etc. so now that obsidian is makeing fallout new vegas i think it would be cool if they could go back and remake the fallout 1 and 2 but newer just a though....

It would be cool if they remade them with the FO3/NV engine but I'd rather see something completely new.. but if they did, I buy and play them.
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Post » Wed Jan 12, 2011 10:18 am

I would just be happy if they released Fallout 1, 2, and Tactics for the Xbox 360 and PS3 if it was possible. Maybe as an arcade addition. I know 1 and 2 would take work to get it playable on the console but would still be awesome IMO. I know I would pay the MS points for them.


I actually wouldn't mind this, with maybe an update to the textures so it can be played in HD and not look like a bunch of blocky pixels and maybe have more zoom levels so you can get in really close.

The only caveat is that FO1 and 2 were made for a mouse so retrofitting the game to suit a console controller may pose some interesting design challenges and may come out clunky if they did just a straight port of the two games...
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Matt Fletcher
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Post » Wed Jan 12, 2011 10:15 am

The only caveat is that FO1 and 2 were made for a mouse so retrofitting the game to suit a console controller may pose some interesting design challenges and may come out clunky if they did just a straight port of the two games...

Actually that would work out quite well for the PS3 (dunno about Xbox), I had a few "chessboard" games that originated from PC on my PS1&2, like Warcraft for example.

Fallout will do just fine as a downloadable mini game, if they leave the game in its original state that is, by that I mean no fancy 3D mumbo jumbo.

Very suitable for a console controller imo. Although I prefer a mouse for these kind of games.
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Victoria Bartel
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Post » Wed Jan 12, 2011 11:37 am

Yes definitely remake FO 1 & 2 in the style of FO 3, the RPGers still have the other games to play, revamp them up! Its not like history hasn't ever been rewritten :) I've just started playing Fallout and it just takes sooooooooo Loooooooong to kill lots of people in the rpg, I could have done it in much less time than turn based combat allows. While hist. & Can. may be a problem for sum, you still have the original games while the shooter faternity can get blasting away with the remakes. Makes sense. FOBoS isn't considered canon but it still got made FO3 isn't considered canon by sum but still it got made and now many more people love Fallout3. If I cud switch between 1st and 3rd person in the original games that would be so good, theres nothing wrong with non-turned based combat and theres nothing wrong with wanting it. I can see why people loved the PC originals but not everyone is the same and games have moved on.
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Post » Wed Jan 12, 2011 11:48 am

games have moved on.

If you call the writing and depth of the world in Fallout compared to the writing and depth of the world in Fallout 3 moving on...

I wouldn't mind a Fallout 1/2 remake so long as Bethesda gave complete control to Obsidian, they spent the time to really REMAKE F1/F2 in 3D instead of just making Fallout 3 with a Total Conversion to the Fallout 1/2 world and story. They'd also have to sack up and include killable children, the original score would be another necessity.

Most importantly, and depressingly for LT_Jones I suspect, damage would have to be done as it was in Fallout 1/2 not as it was in Fallout 3. A shotgun blast to the face could not guarantee a kill as it did in Fallout 3. Shooting a BoS Paladin in the face with a shotgun should not kill them. Granted DT being reintroduced could fix that, but the bigger issue at hand is that when playing in the First Person Perspective people expect the bullet to go where they aim it and for headshots to equal death.

If F1/F2 were remade the maker would no doubt have scores of angry kiddies screaming about how little sense it makes that their shotgun didn't kill the human tank in one headshot, or that they aimed the gun at their enemies head so they should have hit it.

Essentially until the gaming community re-matures to the point it was at when it was a niche market you couldn't possibly see a proper F1/F2 remake.
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Post » Wed Jan 12, 2011 4:28 pm

Most importantly, and depressingly for LT_Jones I suspect, damage would have to be done as it was in Fallout 1/2 not as it was in Fallout 3. A shotgun blast to the face could not guarantee a kill as it did in Fallout 3. Shooting a BoS Paladin in the face with a shotgun should not kill them. Granted DT being reintroduced could fix that, but the bigger issue at hand is that when playing in the First Person Perspective people expect the bullet to go where they aim it and for headshots to equal death.

One shotgun blast to the face never does it in one, on the hardest setting for FO3 anyway. Its quick movement and my targeting I trust, fighting retreats, pop in and out of cover etc, much quicker in FO3. For combat I prefer 1st person but running around town I prefer Vanity Mode, check out my newly acquired armour lol but it is annoying as hell to miss 3 times in a row with a 95% chance, even VATS in FO3 sometimes did it as well.
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Post » Wed Jan 12, 2011 6:25 am

One shotgun blast to the face never does it in one, on the hardest setting for FO3 anyway. Its quick movement and my targeting I trust, fighting retreats, pop in and out of cover etc, much quicker in FO3. For combat I prefer 1st person but running around town I prefer Vanity Mode, check out my newly acquired armour lol but it is annoying as hell to miss 3 times in a row with a 95% chance, even VATS in FO3 sometimes did it as well.

You can't even shotgun a raider in one on VHard? Really?
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Post » Wed Jan 12, 2011 4:00 am

You can't even shotgun a raider in one on VHard? Really?

Well I was thinking more about supermutants. Raiders I'd have to check later after work. On normal u can do a supermutant close up one to the face with the combat shotgun. But Raiders I think, body shots takes a couple of rounds sometimes three shots with The Terrible on V.Hard. Depends on distance as well. In fact now that I think about it, it possibly can take more than one shot to the face for Raiders (V. Hard) also depends on whether your in or outta VATS, and their armour class has to be taken into consideration, ones without helmets or armour are easier than raiders with low armour pointage.

Yipe a lightly armoured Raider in V. Hard took one shot in and outta VATS to finish off (tried both) a heavier armoured Raider took two shots in and outta VATS with the Terrible (both) you have to bear in mind also in this play thru I'm a level 28 ass kicker with all Perks for enemy destruction taken, it would be harder at the start when I'm not really that powerful.
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