That's one thing gamesas should do- they should, for Talos' sake, have the balls once to just stick with "he is alive" or "that happened" like all the other game series with multiple endings. Or, make TESIII with one TESII ending being the lore, but TESIV with another TESII ending being the lore.
~There is a way to do something like that:
Make it so that you save game from Morrowind is scanned and various npc are read as alive or dead. Include certain of the alive characters have roles in the next release - according to whatever may be appropriate.
:fallout: Business/mental health warning!!! - The downside is likely the business / game rights / old investors thing - they all have to agree

- and the new investors have to decide that there is more cash in accepting a hit on their % vs extra sales ...
Redsrock - I think everyone except you realised that everyone was referring to the post at the start - so

:meh: - you bombed again.
edit: But keep trying - one day

you will actually have something to say