As a refresher:
1. Move a persistent, disabled activator to the player
2. The activator casts a very large scripted radius spell
3. Whatever the spell hits can be used as reference. The spell can narrow the access with things like GetIsRace, IsActor, IsContainer, etc.
4. Now that you have access to these things you can do whatever you want in the script
With this technique I was able to add torches to any actors in interior spaces. Even better, the mod worked on actors from other mods. All of this, without touching leveled lists or IDs.
Is there a similar way to gain access to npc's, containers, etc? There are no more spells. Will a silent, painless, invisible explosion work to get the reference?
I want to add an in game 50% chance for duct tape in tool boxes and tool cabinets via script without touching them in the GECK. Because afaik, last mod loaded wins but script works around it.