» Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:53 am
Except Oblivion's dungeons weren't small. At least not compared to Morrowind's. The problems were the linearity, lack of claustrophobic spaces as well as massive chambers, and the way lighting caused the dungeons to feel smaller, as well as the ease of running making it too fast+Easy to get through a dungeon. I hope they add wandering monsters (Through AI), less ability to "See" the entire dungeon, creatures that actually move through the dungeon, a demonstrated dungeon ecology, and a lot of "Old School" and tabletop RPG dungeon designs, with numerous ways to explore the area, and ways to be surprised by the denzines.
Limited interaction with the dungeon also caused problems, which is an inherent problem with CRPGs. Daggerfall's ability to climb and kick down doors (Alas, I don't think either option is coming back) made the dungeons more fun by giving a variety of ways to explore them and recover from mishaps. And kicking in doors is always fun. They should add a mechanic to allow you to blow a door off its hinges with a well-aimed kick (Locked or not).
Without the ability to climb, pits need ramps out of them, which require them to be larger, and it breaks versimilitude. Having side-passages that required skill to reach are also great for dungeoneering.
...I hope every designer has a copy of the D&D Dungeonscape supplemental, since a lot of the ideas in Tabletop RPG dungeon design can be applied to CRPG dungeon design.
Favorite dungeons from Oblivion were Sideways Cave and Vilveren. While both "Newbie" dungeons immediately accessable out of the Imperial Sewers, they both had excellent design features implemented into them, and they really fit into the world. The notes in both of them also made them feel "Real." In fact, the only part I didn't like about Vilveren was the "Return to Entrance" door at the end, which completely destroyed the sense of "Descending Deeper" into the dungeon.
A shame Vilveren was only good because it incorporated all the unique qualities that show up, with no other dungeon prior to the Mehrunes Razor DLC (One of the better ones, even if I couldn't really care about the artifact itself) having the same depth and variety.