Remember this? This was good... Crytek should have kept this

Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:57 am

Yeah, the closed Beta on the Xbox... A highlight in the last year for me. I really enjoyed the time I spent there (although there weren't many players, so I had to wait).

That thing hyped me even more. When the game came out I was happy (yay) but when I look at the old footage, I feel a bit dissappointed with the changes they made from there.

Look for yourself:

Points I prefered in the Beta:

- Weapon handling (from the hip and ADS) with recoil and power
- Suit skins (+ armor effect: blue for friendly, red for hostile) wich gave fairness to both
- Grenade Indicator (marks the grenade, not the direction where it is)
- UI (HUD, Menu)
- Soundtrack (I loved the "New York Aftermath" Theme in the menu. It just kicked ass!

Crytek really should have kept the game how it was on Gamescom 2010, and just polish it. Then, it wouldn't have those issues it currently haves (cheaters (because Crytek could have spend the time on proper anti-cheating system), unfair spotting problems (when you play C.E.L.L, you're easier seen then anyone else) and the incredible hip spray).

So how would it be, if we get a mod created in Summer, wich recreates this game, how it was? Or should Crytek adress this, and rerelease the game (although this isn't likely to happen)?
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noa zarfati
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