Now that ps4 is selling by the millions and ps4 version will probably outsell the other 2 version combined i ask for ps fan that pretend to buy Fallout 4 to WAIT.
Dont forget the SKYRIM PS3 CLUSTER[censored] .
Ps4 fans, dont be like all the people that preorder Skyrim only to have the game broken for 4 months before they fixed the horrible framerate.
For the ones that dont remember what hapenned:
Bethesda release Ps3 version of skyrim in a broken state, the more you played the more the game would be unplayable, with the game lokking like a slideshow with framerate at 5 fps. Do you think they fixed it right away? No, they release the game , they all go to vacations and took 4 months to fix the game.
Fallout 4 will release on november 10 like skyrim that released on november 11, if this game have problems dont expect them to be fixed until a couple months.
WAIT YOUR PURCHASE like 3 weeks if you want to buy the ps4 version to see if the game have problems.
This release is way to similar to the skyrim game.
- Game have markting rights to microsoft like skyrim had and ps4 version would probably get the lower priority .
- Game is releasing in 10 november and they will go to vacation like they did with skyrim and then they will not fix problems right away.
- Its bethesda, games have a [censored] TON OF BUGS
- They never showed PS4 version, never released a video of the game running, they are extremely mad game is leaking and people are watching the state of the game, like syrim they show us nothing and lied to us game was great on ps3. Todd Howard lied to us in the face.
I am not saying dont buy the game , what i say is for ps4 users to wait, i will wait to buy this. Dont be like me and thousand of fans that spend months in this forum asking for updates when skyrim would be fixed just to be called liars and never getting answers.
If you have a pc for the love of god buy it there.