Pure genious Beth. Classes have been used too much in RPGs and I'm glad there might finally be a game where a class is not something you choose, but that you earn. Warrior, Knight, Thief, Mage - all these "classes" are titles, and titles are earned through action. Only a selected few have earned such prestige to choose their own title and while this would be an awesome addition to the game I really can't imagine how it would be properly done with the voice acting. Besides I never quite understood why my class should be "Warrior" when I was the head of the Mages Guild. (Not that I actually ever played anything except Custom classes, but the theory is there)
Now, let's celebrate! :foodndrink:
Agreed - previously I would run several differnt characters who would only join guilds based on their skillsets - so my mages wouldn't join the fighters guild and my mercenaries wouldn't join the mages
However I'm pretty sure the devs will enable the NPC's to make comments on the type of skills the player gravitates to - so they may say you appear to be a warrior if you use combat skills more
I'm also guessing the race selection plays more importance - Todd made a comment in one of the GI interviews that he was interested in how playing an Orc differs from a High Elf - so i suspect the races will act more like classes this time