Removal of Classes

Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 10:41 am

AQ why are you glad when Classes didnt stop you? why are you glad when what made classes "annoying" -Level Scaling and M&m- are gone?

pure honest question applies to anyone.

Firstly because classes hindered some types of character
eg The person brought up as a barbarian or peasant who discovers they have a natural talent for magic

In both games and life sometimes a persons path will change

Secondly they weren't recognised in the game which (especially in MW) had a much better way of defining character. To me it means more for a character to earn their position as Knight of the Imperial Legion or Warlock of the Mages Guild than just select a class at the beginning of the game. Obviously this means I want the game to have as many factions as MW and may be disappointed on that count

Level-scaling was just annoying, regardless of classes. I've always preferred classless systems like Runequest to ones like D&D, although a relatively loose class system like TES had is better than a rigid one like D&D. Better still to get rid of them entirely
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 3:54 am

I understand what you are saying here. Its not necessarily a good or bad thing for them to be gone. I didn't see a problem with the developers giving us their own custom template suggestions in the last two games. I didn't understand why they took it out either. Having said that, it doesn't really affect things negatively by taking them out.

No its not the end of the world, but like all their methods to "dealing" with flaws they keep chopping stuff off, like an amatuer surgeon. classes weren't killing anything, and with the Advent of JOBS, MArriage, Doing what NPCs can do, etc etc Veca dii Veca Da, you have to wonder....why did they not take the oppurtunity. and dual wielding has all of nothing to do with it as thats a late feature :/

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Dan Scott
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 2:46 pm

No biggie. Never used them.
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 5:04 pm

Pfft you know Im just going to go in a Bit on how they could have done something different, make it matter, etc etc you know all that cake etc etc its not like their existence stopped anyone so like the many aspects gone it still puzzles me why people say "I'm glad they are gone" when it didnt stop anything.

There isn't much that classes could add, that you cannot be done by simply looking up your character's skills, factions or achievements.

People are happy because classes meant M&m and since that's gone, the classes are gone, the lack of M&m is good thing, so the lack of classes is a good thing too.
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josie treuberg
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 7:05 pm

No its not the end of the world, but like all their methods to "dealing" with flaws they keep chopping stuff off, like an amatuer surgeon. classes weren't killing anything, and with the Advent of JOBS, MArriage, Doing what NPCs can do, etc etc Veca dii Veca Da, you have to wonder....why did they not take the oppurtunity. and dual wielding has all of nothing to do with it as thats a late feature :/


Well, thats the thing, they aren't just "chopping stuff off" and leaving it as it is. They are changing things. The fact is that a bunch of class templates would make absolutely no sense with the new system (which is what I think is a better and more intuitive system).
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 4:38 am

I liked making my own class. It helped me focus on what character I wanted to be.

Basically, this. Technically, it didn't alter the game at all, but it did provide a certain touch that will be gone now. Oh well.
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Jennifer Munroe
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 6:24 am

Firstly because classes hindered some types of character
eg The person brought up as a barbarian or peasant who discovers they have a natural talent for magic

In both games and life sometimes a persons path will change

Secondly they weren't recognised in the game which (especially in MW) had a much better way of defining character. To me it means more for a character to earn their position as Knight of the Imperial Legion or Warlock of the Mages Guild than just select a class at the beginning of the game. Obviously this means I want the game to have as many factions as MW and may be disappointed on that count

Level-scaling was just annoying, regardless of classes. I've always preferred classless systems like Runequest to ones like D&D, although a relatively loose class system like TES had is better than a rigid one like D&D. Better still to get rid of them entirely

Mk I understand, same gripe I've heard before, player planned out one thing found out they like something else screwed over then. but like I said, M&m which was the problem Ala having one set of skills, liking another but not being able to level properly are gone. so why not at the very least leave them there...for the folks who want it even if its just a name

honest questiona.
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 5:02 am

I agree with the decision to remove classes. They seemed contrived and unnatural to me.
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 4:26 am

Because that's not a class anymore, just a title...

... a really meaningless title...
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Richus Dude
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 1:12 pm

Can I help you out. It is still Shaman, when talking about a female. Matter of fact all native Hawaiian Shamans were female. Males couldn't be Shamans. I didn't know if you knew this. Sorry for being a grammar police.

Lol, sot, not a problem.

Constructive criticism is welcome.

A search of a few on-line dictionaries did not reveal any results for "shamaness."

Therefore, I stand corrected.

However, the term "shamaness" used on a Google search resulted in over 140,000 listings in about 0.07 seconds...

I knew I had seen it somewhere, lol.

I suppose I could just start using "v?lva," (a type of shamanic seeress in Norse paganism).
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:48 am

Because that's not a class anymore, just a title...

... a really meaningless title...


why do we call plumbers, plumbers bukee?
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Etta Hargrave
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 4:32 pm


why do we call plumbers, plumbers bukee?

I can call myself a plumber as well, that doesn't make me a real plumber.
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 5:38 am

I personally never used pre-set class, although I would like to have title, that is based on you skills, and that changes as you skill changes
[I already wrote that 2 times, so I won't write examples on 3rd time- those who have read, know what I'm talking about]

So for RP purposes, If you intend to play as pure Mage class, you can evaluate your RP progress based on this title
At the beggining you'll find Adventurer class (since there are no starting classes)
After some time playing you will notice changes
If you find Battlemage as your class use armor and weapons less
If you find Agent as class, then less sneak and steal
And eventually with improvement of your magical skills, you'll get to one of pure Mage classes

But for players who don't concentrate on RPing much, this title could allow to find what play style they prefer
Also it would be great informing element
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 11:00 am

I can call myself a plumber as well, that doesn't make me a real plumber.

yes yes thats all fine and well, but why do we call Plumbers plumbers
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 5:42 am

Am I mad about classes being removed? No.
Am I mad about Attributes being moved? Yes.
Am I mad about Skills being simplified? Yes.
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 10:58 am

Am I mad about Skills being simplified? Yes.

How are skills being simplified? They are more complex than ever now with perks.
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 2:54 pm

yes yes thats all fine and well, but why do we call Plumbers plumbers

Because that's their what they do?

This system would make sense, if there would be a pre-defined list of titles, and you could earn them by doing things, like joining a faction or doing something important.
That way those titles will represent your deeds.

Am I mad about Skills being simplified?

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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 6:37 pm

Mk I understand, same gripe I've heard before, player planned out one thing found out they like something else screwed over then. but like I said, M&m which was the problem Ala having one set of skills, liking another but not being able to level properly are gone. so why not at the very least leave them there...for the folks who want it even if its just a name

honest questiona.

Well, if you agree that its just a name, but you still want the templates, then Bethesda can just as easily have descriptions of different class play styles to read through when you are about to start the game. With concept art included. There.
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 3:30 pm

I think the removal of classes is the one area I don't really mind. I never used one of the pre-built classes even when I chose the exact same skill sets as a pre-existing class.
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Mark Churchman
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 2:45 pm

Being able to use any combination of skills is what attracted me to Morrowind in the first place. If I hadn't read about that feature in a magazine, I would have never even gotten into TES in the first place. So you can figure what my position is. :wink_smile:
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 6:22 am

This system would make sense, if there would be a pre-defined list of titles, and you could earn them by doing things, like joining a faction or doing something important.
That way those titles will represent your deeds.

I like the idea of being able to define your class throughout the game based on deeds. However, it's a very minor addition that would not matter whatsoever if it is or isn't part of the game.
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Bryanna Vacchiano
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 4:59 pm

yes yes thats all fine and well, but why do we call Plumbers plumbers

Plumber is an occupation, not a class
People do change occupation, learn skills not relevant to their occupation etc
1 of my neighbours is a bus driver. Hes also been a butcher and a chef. Is that multi-classing?
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 2:10 pm

The thing is, this define your class thing holds as much water as saying my Argonian is part doggeh, in thought only instead of going along the lines of what Bukee said, earning it and it actually being notice of by which is impossible as the game is going to tell me my Fighter that uses magic is a battlemage when all I really do is toss a fireball every now and then is somewhat of a folly.

ups and im going into that "it would be nice mode" so I'll stop there...

AQ I was hoping for an answer along the lines of because his collection of skills are tailored to that position it is also his profession, just like how being a warrior in those times is a profession or a mage etc etc ad infinate and as such that is how he is recognized. not a social class.
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Chenae Butler
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 4:30 am

I'm glad they are gone, but it isn't simply because I never used pre-made classes. (Which I almost never did.) Classes never really did much before and besides I think with this series it is up to me to decide what my character can't do, not necessarily the game.

The way Skyrim is handling things sounds pretty nice to me.
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Rachel Briere
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 6:15 am

The thing is, this define your class thing holds as much water as saying my Argonian is part doggeh, in thought only instead of going along the lines of what Bukee said, earning it and it actually being notice of by which is impossible as the game is going to tell me my Fighter that uses magic is a battlemage when all I really do is toss a fireball every now and then is somewhat of a folly.

ups and im going into that "it would be nice mode" so I'll stop there...

AQ I was hoping for an answer along the lines of because his collection of skills are tailored to that position it is also his profession, just like how being a warrior in those times is a profession or a mage etc etc ad infinate and as such that is how he is recognized. not a social class.

If you have a system where factions require you to have appropriate skills then the game is recognising your occupation. Thats more meaningful than a 1 word description you select for yourself at the beginning of the game.

You seem to have missed my other point that classes restrict you to developing faster in the skills you begin with experience/training in. Just like any society people won't neccessarily have discovered their true talents or had the opportunity to develop them at the beginning of the game

Hence my example of the peasant who is untrained in but has a natural talent for magic.
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