Removal of Classes

Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 3:04 pm

i like it a lot better now actually because im not tied down to playing a specific class. even though i custom make my own class there are times where you could use a skill to better benifit you character but since your tied down to 7 major skills you couldnt lvl it correctly. now i can utilize that skill much easier.
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Michelle davies
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 11:56 am


They've already removed 9 skills from what it was in Morrowind, including some of my favorites. That is why I'm angry about the skills being cut down and simplified. I don't really think perks can do all these "Amazing" things everyone says.
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Nitol Ahmed
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 4:21 pm

No I didn't miss that point, I stated that was gripe by many, and that the M&m which made that a hinderance is gone, also compounded by the fact that Im not saying everyone who plays Skyrim should be anchored to preselect classes.
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louise tagg
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 7:52 am

I never used Pre-Set classes, but I DID make my OWN class. I think it's a DISGRACE that they removed classes in the game.

Creating your character before the game is a staple of the TES franchise. It was just as enjoyable as the playing the game itself. It made you THINK about what you were creating.

It's just more dumbing down and removing of anything Role Playing in the game. Now it's change who you are at any time without and consequences.

A pure disgrace.
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Tiffany Holmes
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 5:33 am

I liked havign the pictures/list next to them so I could remember what I wanted to name my guy...
usually winded up making my own almost...always... @_@ I've used the presets maybe 2-3 times max...-shrugs-

Names I always used were: Necromancer, Reaver, Raider, Invader (Invade-her GIGGITY GOOO!). Even once I made Spelunker. :D
I'd pick Assassin and put more Assassin type situations..
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 12:51 pm

Glad they are gone, this systems sounds to be much less restrictive, something which really bugged me with Morrowind and Oblivion.
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 4:21 am

I never used Pre-Set classes, but I DID make my OWN class. I think it's a DISGRACE that they removed classes in the game.

Creating your character before the game is a staple of the TES franchise. It was just as enjoyable as the playing the game itself. It made you THINK about what you were creating.

It's just more dumbing down and removing of anything Role Playing in the game. Now it's change who you are at any time without and consequences.

A pure disgrace.

o_o...I...wouldn't go that far and say its a disgrace. I'd say maybe they just want to change it up abit? You know? not be like every other company. Try it out before you say stuff like this...

>_>..This is Beth afterall...they make things happen alot better then others.
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Gen Daley
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 1:09 pm

It's just more dumbing down and removing of anything Role Playing in the game. Now it's change who you are at any time without and consequences.

A pure disgrace.

Good luck changing to an effective mage after playing half the game pumping attribute points into health and perks into combat skills because you were playing a warrior...

I'm pretty sure I say this on everyone of these threads but character creation in Skyrim happens as you play, not at the beginning. Some people may not like this, but it is the way Bethesda have decided to go with it this time, I'm just glad they don't recycle the same systems every game so we always know what to expect.
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Harry-James Payne
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 5:59 pm

Would you guys have removed the classes? Did you think they were well implemented or useful at all? What are your feelings on Skyrim's take on levelling?

How many times do people have to make threads about classes? No one cared for them except a small amount of people. Classes did nothing but gove you a 5 point bonus to what skills you picked.
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Nany Smith
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 10:48 am

I did use some pre-made classes in MW and OB, but about 95% of the time I used custom classes.

I will not miss classes in Skyrim, though I would, just for the sake of preference, like to be able to enter my own "class" name somewhere on my character sheet. If I have a concept character I want to try I like to be able to name them. But I'm fine if you can't do that.
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Jeff Tingler
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 3:08 pm

Ever play FO3/NV and make up your own class, despite there not being a class? That's what it'll be like. Made a sniper class, even though I didn't have a box that said "Sniper." I chose what I felt a sniper in a wasteland would be like, and chose the perks and skills accordingly.
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Daniel Lozano
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 11:32 am

No, no, never.

Classes didn't really add anything to the game, just a title. We'll have just as many play styles if not more in Skyrim, you'll still be able to focus on the main skills those classes were associated with and raise them higher than the rest of your skills as well as take perks for them. Basically, play like that class and you'll become that class in Skyrim.
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NIloufar Emporio
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 11:37 am

No I didn't miss that point, I stated that was gripe by many, and that the M&m which made that a hinderance is gone, also compounded by the fact that Im not saying everyone who plays Skyrim should be anchored to preselect classes.

If classes don't determine your starting skills or affect how fast you develop your skills then they are not actually doing anything. I don't get why some people want a meaningless title that has no effect.

edit: also it wasn't a gripe about selecting the wrong skills

It was about roleplaying a character whose initial skills are not connected to the path they find themselves following
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 6:29 am

There's just something wrong with a club-wielding brute suddenly casting an invisibility-spell... Just wrong... Mages are mages, rouges are rouges and so forth... Some modification is ok but I just can't buy the: "Well, already at an early age, I was taught using swords, shields, wearong and making heavy armor... And some ilusion spells just for the heck of it". But then again, why would anyone use anything but dual-wielding in Skyrim, seeing as spells, magic and mages are going to be much weaker anyways...
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Jordan Moreno
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 1:51 pm

When did you get the play the game?
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:39 am

Only thing I ever did was use a Custom class to meta-game my Major skills / Attribute gain / leveling. And with the new leveling system & world scaling, I don't need to do that.

There's just something wrong with a club-wielding brute suddenly casting an invisibility-spell... Just wrong... Mages are mages, rouges are rouges and so forth...

....and, considering that you could still use all the skills and level them all to 100, they didn't really "restrict" you at all.

But then again, why would anyone use anything but dual-wielding in Skyrim, seeing as spells, magic and mages are going to be much weaker anyways...

Honestly? I barely used magic in Oblivion - the combat spells were both boring and hard to use. I used Resto constantly. Other than that, I just cast little weak spells to "train" my attribute bonuses, and bought spells so that I could enchant with them.

The new magic system? I actually might try a mage this time.
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Jonathan Egan
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:07 am

I never used Pre-Set classes, but I DID make my OWN class. I think it's a DISGRACE that they removed classes in the game.

Creating your character before the game is a staple of the TES franchise. It was just as enjoyable as the playing the game itself. It made you THINK about what you were creating.

It's just more dumbing down and removing of anything Role Playing in the game. Now it's change who you are at any time without and consequences.

A pure disgrace.

Did I miss something, when did "no classes" mean "you're good at everything at any time"?

It's not like you don't have to choose and THINK what you use to raise those skills...
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James Potter
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 3:31 pm

If classes don't determine your starting skills or affect how fast you develop your skills then they are not actually doing anything. I don't get why some people want a meaningless title that has no effect.

edit: also it wasn't a gripe about selecting the wrong skills

It was about roleplaying a character whose initial skills are not connected to the path they find themselves following

Because people just like to have things to have things. lmao
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Austin England
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 2:40 pm

There's just something wrong with a club-wielding brute suddenly casting an invisibility-spell... Just wrong... Mages are mages, rouges are rouges and so forth... Some modification is ok but I just can't buy the: "Well, already at an early age, I was taught using swords, shields, wearong and making heavy armor... And some ilusion spells just for the heck of it". But then again, why would anyone use anything but dual-wielding in Skyrim, seeing as spells, magic and mages are going to be much weaker anyways...

How do you know mages are weaker? Have you played the game? And before you say it, levitation and mark/recall to not make a mage strong as they are not offensive spells.
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Tiffany Holmes
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 5:01 pm

The thing is, this define your class thing holds as much water as saying my Argonian is part doggeh, in thought only instead of going along the lines of what Bukee said, earning it and it actually being notice of by which is impossible as the game is going to tell me my Fighter that uses magic is a battlemage when all I really do is toss a fireball every now and then is somewhat of a folly.

ups and im going into that "it would be nice mode" so I'll stop there...

AQ I was hoping for an answer along the lines of because his collection of skills are tailored to that position it is also his profession, just like how being a warrior in those times is a profession or a mage etc etc ad infinate and as such that is how he is recognized. not a social class.

This would -almost- make sense... except for one small thing.

The classes have been, since Morrowind, nothing more than a title. In Morrowind, Noble was a class. Peasant was a class. Alchemist, Apothecary, Knight... these were all -classes-. And that's fine and good, except for that it holds absolutely no bearing on the game whatsoever.

I am in the camp of folks who don't care that they're gone.

I made my own classes in Morrowind and Oblivion, and they were always simply titles used for the sake of my role-playing experience. While it's a shame that some folks are going to make a big fuss that they're gone... what, really, have we lost? The classes no longer define anything. The classes were a mixture of social status and occupation... meaning they weren't even consistent to themselves. The classes were chosen by the player, meaning they had no weight or bearing.

I return to the comment about plumbers. I could -call- myself a plumber. Many do. Not all of them are certified as plumbers.

There's a difference between picking a class, and picking what it is you choose to call yourself. If they wanted to keep some kind of self-appointed title available, then the least they could do is make it be something you could change on a whim whenever you felt like it. And sure, it might appease the few who actually care that classes are gone, but really? Why?

Why invest time into something that isn't even relevant to the game?

It's all about efficiency. If you don't need something, you don't just leave it hanging off the side of the ship cluttering things up. You either pull it up and use it, or throw it overboard.
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Marlo Stanfield
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 10:20 am

Some people aren't happy about classes being removed, some people are. I'd pretty much say that means it doesn't qualify as a disgrace. My view, myopinion on classes, perfect for a party game, where classes that are narrowly defined require some thought as to party selection, but in TES? They can't be narrowly defined, as that goes against the whole be what you want ethos, so we are left with loose classes, no barrier to learning skills outside that background. They are just a set of bonuses, initial bonuses and extra experience for some skills. No real drawbacks at all. Now what we have is a set of situational bonuses, you benefit from sticking to a skill set, and won't benefit from sustained deviation from that set until your recently used skills exceed your initial set, so there is a drawback, or rather a lack of bonuses for a while, if you change 'class'. Better, imho, than permanently getting only bonuses for your initial selection.
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 8:33 am

i only used the preset classes once in Morrowind then i realized i would rather choose myself
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Christine Pane
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 3:40 am

When did you get the play the game?

Hahaha! Well, I made the grand misstake to simply assume that everyon in the forums wrote out of their assumptions and guesses and everyone read the messages accordingly. That misstake will not be repeated. But seeing as no-one can write anything that has anything to do with the game without using any kind of speculation, I'll just lay back and enjoy the ride until release.


Ah, I saw now that it was Hellmouth respknding to my thoughts, once again, so I'll take the comments with a bit of salt.

And the magic-system seems simplified and Fable-esque this time. MY guess, and, by right, my guess to make.
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chloe hampson
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 2:46 am

I think it makes perfect sense. Instead of sitting there trying to decide what you want to be in hopes that you don't make a mistake, just play the game and make it as you go.

I'm not angry at all. It makes much more sense.

Pretty much this.
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Farrah Barry
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 3:25 pm

And the magic-system seems simplified and Fable-esque this time. MY guess, and, by right, my guess to make.

You just said in another thread that you didn't like the equipping to hands, that spells should just be in your head, and yet you are saying here the system is simplified. Whatever they have done to the spells themselves, and to the weapon and shield skills, at least now they are forcing you to make tactical choices as to what your character has equipped. Hardly a simplification to actual gameplay. Which kind of ties in to changing classes. Take a bunch of weapon and shield perks, then decide magic is more fun, you probably won't get the benefit of the shield perks, due to having spells equipped, so there can be penalties with changing your effective class.
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