The thing is, this define your class thing holds as much water as saying my Argonian is part doggeh, in thought only instead of going along the lines of what Bukee said, earning it and it actually being notice of by which is impossible as the game is going to tell me my Fighter that uses magic is a battlemage when all I really do is toss a fireball every now and then is somewhat of a folly.
ups and im going into that "it would be nice mode" so I'll stop there...
AQ I was hoping for an answer along the lines of because his collection of skills are tailored to that position it is also his profession, just like how being a warrior in those times is a profession or a mage etc etc ad infinate and as such that is how he is recognized. not a social class.
This would -almost- make sense... except for one small thing.
The classes have been, since Morrowind, nothing more than a title. In Morrowind, Noble was a class. Peasant was a class. Alchemist, Apothecary, Knight... these were all -classes-. And that's fine and good, except for that it holds absolutely no bearing on the game whatsoever.
I am in the camp of folks who don't care that they're gone.
I made my own classes in Morrowind and Oblivion, and they were always simply titles used for the sake of my role-playing experience. While it's a shame that some folks are going to make a big fuss that they're gone... what, really, have we lost? The classes no longer define anything. The classes were a mixture of social status and occupation... meaning they weren't even consistent to themselves. The classes were chosen by the player, meaning they had no weight or bearing.
I return to the comment about plumbers. I could -call- myself a plumber. Many do. Not all of them are certified as plumbers.
There's a difference between picking a class, and picking what it is you choose to call yourself. If they wanted to keep some kind of self-appointed title available, then the least they could do is make it be something you could change on a whim whenever you felt like it. And sure, it might appease the few who actually care that classes are gone, but really? Why?
Why invest time into something that isn't even relevant to the game?
It's all about efficiency. If you don't need something, you don't just leave it hanging off the side of the ship cluttering things up. You either pull it up and use it, or throw it overboard.