» Sat May 28, 2011 2:44 am
I don't understand why should be such a fight over level scaling, as BGS can make a formula that can potentially satisfy both parties on this debate.
They can have another height map for the entire map of the game world, but in this height map they could define the minimum possible level of the monsters, and they can have another virtual height map for the world area to define the maximum possible level for monster levels, and another two virtual height maps to define the limits for loot level in different areas of the map.
There can be a GMST value that defines the percentage amount of level scaling to the player or the area level, so if it is 100 then the monsters are completely level scaled to the player level, and if the value is 0 then they are completely leveled to the area's defined limits for monster levels.
There can be another GMST value that would define the loot level scaling just like the one above which was about monster level scaling.
So if the first value is 0, and monsters are defined wholly by area limits, then they have a completely random chance to be any level between the height map values defined or the area, and if the first value was defined 100, then monsters would be scaled to the player level just like Oblivion, and for the numbers in between, the monster levels would be between two limits that are drawn toward the level of the player.
The second value would do the same for item levels.
As for the internal/indoor cells, each cell can have a pointer that defines a cell in the outside area, and this pointer links the indoor cell to that outdoor cell, and can be used for spells like jump outside, Divine Intervention, and the like, and can link the inside's environmental ambient sounds to the weather condition of the linked outside cell.
And also the internal cell's minimum and maximum levels for monsters and loot can be taken from the linked outside cell, and adjusted by two values that are added to the outside values.
So an indoor cell can link to an outside cell, and have two values of 10 and 5 for monster levels, and 5 and 0 for item levels, which means, add 10 level to the maximum monster level of outside cell, and 5 to the minimum monster level, and add 5 to the maximum item level of the outside cell, and 0 to the minimum item level.
In Oblivion when a player entered a cell, the random list on that cell would check the player level and depending on that value, select a monster or an item from the list and place that on the ground or inside an inventory.
But this value can be calculated from a formula that checks the minimum and maximum area levels for monsters and items, and the level of the player and those two GMST values that define the percentage of the effect that the player level has on those limits and get a final semi-random result for the level value.
Then the final calculated level value is used for the random list to get the desired monster or item.
This way by changing two GMST values in the range between 0-100 we can have monsters and/or items that are totally scaled to the player level or completely independent from player and scaled to the limits defined by the area, or something in between.
You can keep both parties pleased, and by default we can have a 10 percent player level effect for 90 percent area based scale for the loot and monsters.
All of those are for random lists and do not affect the manually placed monsters and items, and some random monsters and items can be defined as independent from the formula above and define their own specific minimum and maximum levels if the designers like.