» Fri May 27, 2011 10:48 pm
I think I can say for everybody here, that Oblivions leveling system was extremely frustrating. Bethesda was trying to appeal to the non-hard core RPGers with Oblivion, but everybody hated it. My friend dumped the game at level 8 because he said there was no point to leveling if you aren't getting better, and its no fun if you aren't leveling up. At the very least, no leveled armor. I think there has to be a slight amount of enemy leveling though, but something subtle. Like when you are level 1-10, the enemies are all at the normal level they should be, but for level 11-20, they are +1 level from where they were before. 21-30 +2, so on so forth. Then, you would be getting better than them, but there would still be a slight challenge until you got way up there.
Edit: And as for items, no item leveling at all. NONE! I hated seeing common thieves decked out in Elvish and Glass armor. As for random vs. Handplaced armor, I sort of want to see both. For instance, the piece of Daedric armor has a chance of being placed in these 4 dungeons. Then, the stuff would still be sort of handplaced, but I wouldn't know where to go to find it.