Remove Minimum Player Limit

Post » Fri Jun 10, 2011 7:55 pm

MP Crysis2 on PC has pretty muched tanked in the USA. What is the point of blocking points/unlocks/achievments for underpopulated servers when 9.99 out of 10 servers are underpopulated or empty?

99% of the USA players have given up on the MP. No one is going to sit on meaningless servers with no people ever showing up. The players have already voted with their feet and they have all but abanded this game here. But they will hang around if they can get some points.

It is a simple fact of life, people want something for nothing. Granted they did drop $60 on the game and $10 more on DLC. But that aside, why not give the players what they want... points.

Remove the minimum player limit. Watch the game come back cause it is probably the best MP game in 2011 that nobody plays anymore.
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