Removed Script, Still Affecting the Game

Post » Wed May 29, 2013 7:05 pm

In an attempt to make a "Detect Traps" spell, I added the following script to the WorldObjects > Activator > Traps > Bear Trap > BearTrap01 object:

ScriptName MyScript extends ObjectReference EffectShader Property DetectLifeShader Auto Event OnLoad()DetectLifeShader.Play(self, -1)EndEvent Event OnUnload()DetectLifeShader.Stop(self)EndEvent

I didn't have high hopes; random shots in the dark with this kit have been very unsuccessful for me so far. But when I loaded up the game and entered Halted Steam Camp, lo and behold, it worked. Well, sort of. The two bear traps in the dungeon were glowing with the Detect Life effect, but for some reason the effect connected both of them with a line. No big deal; it's progress, at least, or so I thought.

I went back to the kit and tried to change the effect to something else, but sure enough when I logged in it remained the same effect. I tried another effect and, again, it was just the same blue Detect Life effect.

So I applied the script to one of the pressure plates and chose the Detect LIfe - Enemy effect, which yielded the expected red glow.

Realizing something was amiss, I decided to scrap everything and start over. I removed the script from all of the objects and started up the game, just to be sure. All of the effects - the blue and red - were still there. I exited the dungeon and re-entered, but they were still there.

Fine, I thought, I'll just turn off the mod. Even with the mod turned off (and no other mods on) the effects remain on the traps. I can edit the script and compile it and have the changes show up in game. I can comment out the Play() call and there's no effect and I can add Debug messages and they'll show up when I enter the dungeon. I've closed the Creation Kit and re-loaded the data and the scrip is not attached to the objects.

What is going on?

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