Ah, but this is all pointless. The inclusion of attributes - the investment of the necessary time to balance them in the game - would entail the sacrifice of some other feature and would only appeal to the more serious and complexity-appreciating gamers, and Beth really has little incentive to appeal to them (us). Beth has to be sure not to alienate us too much, but they have much more room to move on our side of the design than on the other - the parts of the game that will appeal to the casual gamer who will pick this up and play it for a bit, then move on. That for the simple reason that we will buy the game anyway. If we're deeply into roleplaying games, unless Beth just completely screws the pooch on this one, we'll buy it anyway. We might complain, and might do so loud and long, but our money will still make its way into Beth's earnings reports. But if they put the game together in such a way as to appeal to us while alienating the casual gamers, the casual gamers simply won't bother buying it - they'll just skip right over it and go immediately to the next game. So from Beth's perspective, things that appeal to us are much more easily sacrificed than things that appeal to the casual gamer. And things that appeal to us therefore will be sacrificed in exchange for things that appeal to the casual gamer. And it will hardly be the first time....
I'm seriously [censored] sick of this "casual gamer" thing. you play games or you don't, you enjoy them or you don't. END OF THE [censored] LINE!!! A gamer doesn't choose to be casual or "hardcoe" (yeah, as in, I-think-I'm-more-intelligent-because-I-play-games-with-numbers). A gamer plays the games he thinks are good, and doesn't play those he doesn't like. Just because I play TES doesn't mean I stopped playing Halo, and the other way around is true. So seriously, stop thinking that a FORM OF ENTERTAINEMENT absolutely NEEDS to be USELESSLY complex in areas that don't make that big of a damn change anyways
And seriously, do you REALLY think that just because leveling your character (AKA around 1% of the game) isn't the same, that the whole effin' game will svck?
If Bethesda wanted money, they'd make TES Black Ops or TES 2011. They make a game this big, it's not to scrap it on purpose
oh and BTW, I know A LOT of "casual" gamers that don't care if there are attributes or not. hell, most of them love RPGs and love TES (those who tried it anyways)
You know, back when I was younger and WAY more alike to your image of a "casual" gamer, what brought me to TES was simple: it had swords, a free-roaming world and magic lol. I learned the RPG side of it AFTER. and that's probably how most "casual" gamers choose a game: the THEME, the FEEL of the game.
And seriously, that attitude of yours (Bethesda making it ONLY for money) it's seriously annoying. I know when you have a business, you have to make it run, but if they REALLY wanted to save time and money, they's have taken the system in Oblivon and copied it. Your argument is invalid