I have a big problem for a mod i'm releasing, I just made a house, Which is fully decorated but outside, The random grass is everywhere, I can't seem to get rid of it, There's too much.
How do i remove this ? so people can actually see the entrance
While in the render window go to your outdoor cell (use the B key to show cell grid lines) click on something in the cell you want to work on and use the T key to look at it from the top. You might have to pan back depending on what you've picked. I've found that by doing this you by default will be looking north and in line will the window you open up after you hit the i key. Next hit the H key to bring up the height editor, hit the i key and a box will show up for the cell you have picked which shows what terrain textures are being used. Those are 4 parts to one cell. Notice what you have for grass/terrain textures. You can delete from there, usually the smaller percentage ones. Usually all the ones that have that tall grass will each have a corresponding one that will be labeled "no grass" try using one of them. Hope this helps.