I wouldn't normally post, I would just toss the game and move on, but I did like this game (even with all it's faults, and there are many). Wasting my time removing the vampirism curse/desease however was the last straw. srsly, a frustrating time sink for a lousy bit of game play that someone at Bethesda thought would be entertaining? When a player comes up against something that they don't like in a game, they should be able to reset or bypass without any penalty. It should just be a zero sum event. don't want to do something? fine, the game will remove it and you can continue enjoying yourself. Instead, we are forced, forced to run the maze, and they are almost always frustrating and absolutely no fun. When a game becomes NO FUN, that's when the creators have failed. And the people who created Skyrim FAILED. I will never buy another title with Bethesda on the cover box. I spent a lot of time with this game, and I could get around most of the annoying nonsense, but the time I've spent trying to get rid of the vampirism curse is utter BS.
I realize a single person doesn't matter in the grand scheme of profit driven gaming, but to not be able to bypass a game element (it doesn't matter the reason the player/end user doesn't want to play through) is something that every gaming studio needs to look into and find a solution for. And I don't really care about the so called "hardcoe" gamers either. I still have my original Atari 2600 that I recieved for Xmas in 1977. But I don't have enough free time to be wasting it on somehting as trivial (and I had to go to walk through or I wouldn't even know what was happening to me or how to correct it (and there's only one way, are you fricking kiddding me!!) as removing the vampire infection/curse. what a wast of time.......and they wonder why people are abandoning gaming consoles.