If this is the wrong place to put this, please inform me.
Edit: These are written written in character.
(Plenty of words ahead.)
The logs of Fe'ren, Khajiit bard.
Log one,
Finally got out of prison, seems the Imperials wised up and realized fe'ren was innocent, Fe'ren told them I didn't kill the argonian, but getting right back on track, I filled out the paperwork and headed out, not before recieving some package to deliver, and being told not to read it. Fe'ren, of course, read it, it was complete Nonsense, Fe'ren may get to delivering it later, but for now, a summary of my first days in Morrowind.
Day one,
Fe'ren bought a sword with the gold I'd found, and spoke with some of the people, they informed me that a nord was having finnancial issues. Fe'ren went to speak with him, and he told me that a Bosmer in town was hiding his money somewhere, and told me to watch the elf from the lighthouse. Fe'ren went up there and waited, the morrowind sunset is beautiful by the way. Night fell, and sure enough, the elf came and stuffed his gold in some hollowed log, I took it and handed it to the nord, getting one-hundred drakes as reward. Fe'ren then took my-self a nice dirt-nap in the street.
Day two,
Fe'ren woke up, and asked if anyone had anything else for me to do, an Altmer, her nose stuck higher in the clouds than the sun, told me there where some smugglers in a cave nearby. Fe'ren went to explore, finding a few mudcrabs before backtracking and finding the cave near the towns Silt-Strider (an amazing creature) and headed inside. As Fe'ren entered, I noticed a dark elf woman, I decided to be friendly and walked up to her, the madwoman began to assault me with her Chitin dagger, Fe'ren drew my long-sword, quickly taking her down, and went on. Through the door, Fe'ren saw a path down, and a path up to some slaves, seeing the wizard below, I decided to check out the cage. Thecage needed a key, and I went back, searching the Dunmer for a key, and subsequently deciding to take all of her other things. I then went to the cage, the cell contained a fellow Khajiit, and two argonians. At first I was going to leave the lizards, but I suppose two years in prison grew me a conscience, and I let them all out then went back to enjoy another dirt nap.
Day three,
I decided to go out for a walk, killing a few mudcrabs and finding some of the local Morrowind fauna and beasts. Fe'ren saw some plants which I recognized, and some creatures I didn't. I killed the creatures and rooted around in them with my blade, finding some strange substance. Fe'ren went back to town and discovered the creatures where called "Scribs", and the substance was Scrib Jelly. I quickly bought a mortar and pestle, making a few potions and poisons from the newfound ingredients, and sold the potions and the leftovers. Fe'ren went back out and found a corpse, Fe'ren searched it and he had a mountain of coin, and a tax record. I asked some of the people, and they said to report it to the census office. But seeing as they would probably arrest me for murder AGAIN, I decided not, and pocketed the coin, heading into the store to buy myself a chitin chest-piece. Hopefully Fe'ren can get a shield soon, or perhaps an instrument...
Day four,
Today Fe'ren is heading out to another town, not sure where but I can just follow the paths.
Log Two,
Fe'ren traveled long today, headed for Balmora. I was attacked by a variety of small beasts, including a "Kwama", which was easy to defeat for Fe'ren. Fe'ren has now arrived at the Imperial town, "Pelagiad". It was filled with Imperials and Dark elves, so Fe'ren headed into the tavern. Inside Fe'ren first noticed a fellow khajiit, a female, and not bad looking either. Fe'ren went to talk with the Khajiit, Ahnassi, and discovered many things. Ahnassi is a theif, of the Thieves Guild, and much wanted Fe'ren as a friend. Ahnassi told me that she was being threatened by a bad man, A Camonna Tong man. She also shared a secret with Fe'ren, one of the people upstairs worships Dagon, and has a special belt. Fe'ren and Ahnassi will be good friends once I stop this man. Fe'ren will also be getting that belt, it is probably worth it.
Log Three,
After searching the womans room, I did not find the belt, she must carry it with her. Fe'ren has traveled to Balmora after staying the night in the Half-way Inn in Pelagiad. Fe'ren delivered the package to the man, who is a Blade, a bodyguard of the emperor. The man has told Fe'ren that I will now follow his orders, and advised me to speak with Blades trainers, I've done so, and they gave me supplies, an argonian, Nine-toes, gave me some moon-sugar, which I am meant to sell, I may, Or I may not... A redguard woman gave me some steel armour which I intend to sell, and finally another, a mage, gave me a fine quality Alembic, which Fe'ren will use to make finer potions. Fe'ren then went to the fighters guild and signed up, Fe'ren has been given a contract to kill many cave rats, and Fe'ren inteands to. Fe'ren also discovered a member of the Theives guild, and of course Fe'ren wished to join. Fe'ren is now a toad of the Theives Guild, and must steal a diamond from an alchemyst.
Fe'ren fools both Theives and Fighters, Fe'ren will do as he pleases, when he pleases. Also, it is raining in Balmora, and Fe'ren wishes it would stop...
Feedback is welcome. Thanks for reading, and I'll be posting more later in the form of edits.