Over the course of the year, and possibly much longer, I intend to add all sorts of things to the pack. The following is a list of things I wish to add: (it would also be nice if someone could link me to tutorials)
*Heaps of new classes (need ideas!)
*Heaps of quests (need ideas and advanced tutorials!)
*Many more lands (I have a quest idea on how they would make sense in lore)
*Non-linear dungeons (tailored to any class)
*More weapons and armor (need re-texturing tutorials and ideas)
*Heaps more books
*More star signs (Maybe)
*More races (Maybe)
*More factions (need ideas)
Hopefully more later! It will be about the size of a large expansion pack when it's finished... if it ever gets finished.
I will not be adding any, non-lore stuff into this mod, unless there is an explanation.
What do you all think of this idea?
Also, can someone direct me to a place where I can get the construction set? (I have the Steam version of Morrowind.)
*Thanks Meldicre for the CS download.
*The first version will be up on Nexus, eventually, I'll be sure to link it!
Tutorials I need:
*How to make a quest appear in the journal, under the quests section.
*How to make a quest initiate by picking up something
*Writing a book