That's... really really bad advice. BSAs load so long as the beginning of their name is the same as a loaded .esp - so as long as you have a DLCShiveringIsles.esp loaded, so too will any BSAs whose filename begins with DLCShiveringIsles. But you don't want all of those BSAs loading unless you're also loading the corresponding .esp, most of the time. I can think of situations where a fix like that might be appropriate, but doing it always and every time strikes me as a very poor idea.
That was a theoretical statement, and I have tried to update it accordingly.
This reminds me of that old adage, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." If your BSA archives are already loading up, why would you want to bother renaming them? There's absolutely no benefit to doing so if they're already being used by the game.
Yes. It is definitely an if necessary thing. Sometimes users run mods that need dummy plugins (which waste a plugin slot) to load BSAs or do not have a plugin that can load the BSA, forcing the user to rely on INI registration (i.e., Fran.)
Things were broke. I was having a problem with lands missing in a square just north of the Ruin "Fanacasecul." I assumed it was because some meshes were not being loaded. After some further searching I found. Blackmagics fix for this on TESnexus. Apparently he was having the same problem. Thanks to him it is not an issue. Very frustrating trying to pin what the problem is. Some times it went away when i turned off the Knights UMP or maybe the UOP. I got it to go away by renaming the main oblivion BSA's with a DLCShiveringIsles prefix, but it showed up again. Anyhow this fixes it if anyone else has the problem.
I assume that that link points to Land Magic? I have yet to try it myself, but I have it linked on the site.