But also speech does a lot but I think you should create a seperate skill which could even be triggered by a perk called manipluation in future game or DLC, I say this because of the bit with Big Sal which was amazing. I just dont get how I can lie to people like him and not be able to lie to caesar with max med/scien/speech and high S.P.E.C.I.A.Ls (even if there was a time limit of trust whilst he sent his spys to investigate) but I just think it would be really cool to be able to really topple organisations without firing a shot and just watch it happen.
But on another note, if I get the brotherhood to join me can I still progress to the next phase to do with his medical condition? Also I dont like dont tread on the bear quest restricts your freedom and the legion opposite.
Other than that I love this game beyond belief! Paladin Toaster = Awesome.