» Fri Sep 02, 2011 5:10 am
You talking about the books correct? I strongly suggest reading the first one, Rendevouz with Rama. It's set in the future, and there is a major economic crisis so budgets have been cut, the space budget cut etc. So when an asteroid was detected on it's way to earth, there was no way of getting to it except for a private bussiness craft. Later they discover it is no normal asteroid. So they Rendezvous with the Asteroid dubbed Rama. It is mankinds first contact with an alien spieces. Basically it is, is there life in the univers outside of earth? Will they meet another alien spicies? Who could have created Rama? Are the benelovent or warlike?
So without ruining it, not much character development is in the first book. It was written by Arthur C Clark who worked for Nasa along time ago. Sorry forgot what he did. I know he is the one who created sattelites or something like that, saying it can be possible. It is stongly on the scientific side.A short book 200 or so pages, maybe 300, but I don't think that much.
The other ones, Rama II, Garden of Rama and Rama Revealed are bigger books, double the pages written by Gentry Lee who as well worked for Nasa I believe. Stories were ok, I like them but not as good as the first one. Too much charcter developemnt, and a love story in there as well. Not a womans love story bascially this guy loves that girl. Still it was interestiong.
Again read the first one, and if you like it, try Rama II. The last 3 books to drag on, but I am glad I read it. Remember it is basically scientists who written the book. You will not get nothing like a Dan Brown, Ann Rice, Stephen King, Orson Scott Card or any other famous writers whos proffesion is writting books.
So next time you are in OWB and is on the observation deck look around. You will see a bunch of buildings that looks like a city from far away. Those buildings I swear is what was described in Rama.