She'll probably be an Imperial. Renee Gade II was Imperial too, so that only makes sense story-wise. But...Renee Gade III (RG3) is not going to be her real name. She's going to be known by Cyrodii's peoples as Renee Gade III almost as though it's a title. But this is not her real name
Popes don't go by their real names, know what I mean? They're called "Pope John Paul II" or whatever. But "John Paul" is not the real name. It's more like a title. Renee Gade III's real name willl probably be "Anne" or whatever.
Anyways, RG3's first "mission" (RP wise) will be to clear the Sewers under the Imperial City. All of them. That's going to be one of her first unofficial "quests".

....After crawling thru some dungeons with EradiKate tonight, I got inspired to try doing this with a character who can't go invisible and who doesn't have lots of magic crutches.

She'll have to use torches for a light source since she won't even be magic-oriented enough to cast a light spell. I'm going to give her some limited magic uses, though, we'll have to see 'cause I"M not sure yet which ones they'll be. Won't be Illusion though.
After the sewers are taken care of, she'll probably sell off her loot, bum a bit around the IC, and finally take an interest in gambling. Gambling at the Arena, of course
...so will begin phase 2!

Renee Gade I did the entire Arena questline, and Renee Gade II I think did about half of it. RG3 is going to do the entire thing. Probably not all at once, though. She might get out of the Imperial City to do some dungeon diving, too. Not sure yet or how or when..
DURING the rest of her roleplay, she'll mostly wear the Arena gladiator rainments instead of regular clothes and armors. Her Fame will rise higher and higher, and her ego will balloon because she IS #1!! She'll probably not leave the IC area very often as her ego grows. then again, who knows what'll happen?
I'm not sure about Starsign yet, but RG3 will be an Imperial, she'll probably have Blade as a major, so her game consistently levels slowly without "forcing" this leveling.
...phew. Just when I thought I was done with this game! Any additional ideas are welcome.