Reneer's Guard Overhaul

Post » Thu Sep 09, 2010 9:24 am

Helllloooo folks. For some reason I cannot get RGO or Jogs Stealth Overhaul to work :( I remember that when you start your story with either of these mods on, you get RGO config ring for RGO and a menu thing pops up for Jogs. (On a side note the item you get with the unofficial oblivion patch isn't added to my inventory either.) I was wondering if you guys could help me out. I ran the Obliv Mod Manager conflict detector but its all gibberish to me. Just tell me what you need me to post and i'll post it :) Pleaseee help
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Matthew Warren
Posts: 3463
Joined: Fri Oct 19, 2007 11:37 pm

Post » Thu Sep 09, 2010 6:25 am

Here is what it looks like in the Conflict Detector

[Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp] (unparented) - Active
EDID 'AgronakGroMalog' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'AnvilGuardEscortCountess' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'BrumaGuardCityPatrolNight02' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'BrumaGuardEscortCountess' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'BrumaGuardJailorDay' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'BrumaGuardJailorNight' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'Caminalda' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ChorrolGuardCountess' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ChorrolGuardGreatHallNight01' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ChorrolGuardJailorDay' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ChorrolGuardJailorNight' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ChorrolGuardPatrolDay01' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ChorrolGuardPatrolDay02' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ChorrolGuardPatrolDay03' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ChorrolGuardPostDay01' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ChorrolGuardPostDay02' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ChorrolGuardPostDay03' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ChorrolGuardPostStablesDay' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'DAClavicusStatueScript' of record type SCPT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: SCPT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'DungNecroCoffin01' of record type CONT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: CONT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'FGC10troll' of record type CREA conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: CREA) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'Guard' of record type CLAS conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: CLAS) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ICArboretumPostDay02' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ICArboretumPostNight02' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ICArcaneUGuardNight02' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ICElvenGuardPatrolDay01' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ImperialLegionForester' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ImperialLegionForester2' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ImperialLegionForester3' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ImperialLegionForester4' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ImperialLegionSoldierInnGottshaw' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ImperialLegionSoldierInnWawnet' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'Kalthar' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'LeyawiinGuardCityPatrolDay01' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'LeyawiinGuardCityPatrolDay03' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'LeyawiinGuardCityPostDay03' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'LeyawiinGuardCityPostNight03' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MGExpulsion01Script' of record type SCPT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
RenGuardOverhaul.esp (Record type: SCPT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MQ11AnvilSoldier01' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MQ11CheydinhalSoldier01' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MQ11ChorrolSoldier01' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MQ11KvatchSoldier01' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MQ11LeyawiinSoldier01' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MQ11SkingradSoldier01' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MQ12KingsZombie01' of record type CREA conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: CREA) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MQ12KingsZombie02' of record type CREA conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: CREA) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MQ12LichKing' of record type CREA conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: CREA) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MSShadowscaleScript' of record type SCPT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: SCPT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'myProtoOpt' of record type MISC conflicts with 1 other plugin.
RenGuardOverhaul.esp (Record type: MISC) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'NPCAbsorbFatigue2Apprentice' of record type SPEL conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Kobu's Cure for Fatigue Mod.esp (Record type: SPEL) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'SkingradCastleGuardJailorNight' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'SkingradCastleGuardPatrolDay02' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'SkingradCastleGuardPostNight01' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'SkingradGuardPatrolDay01' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'SkingradGuardPostDay02' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'SkingradGuardPostDay04' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'StandardFortifyFatigue2Apprentice' of record type SPEL conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Kobu's Cure for Fatigue Mod.esp (Record type: SPEL) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'TG06PaleLadyVampire' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'TG10BootsScript' of record type SCPT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: SCPT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'Thiirchel' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'Thrangirfin' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'UpperSilverGlass01' of record type MISC conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: MISC) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'VampireScript' of record type SCPT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Kobu's Character Advancement System.esp (Record type: SCPT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'VicenteValtieri' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)

[StealthOverhaul.esp] (unparented) - Active
No conflicts

[Kobu's Character Advancement System.esp] (unparented) - Active
EDID 'VampireScript' of record type SCPT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: SCPT) (Unparented) (Active)

[Kobu's Health Modifier Mod.esp] (unparented) - Active
No conflicts

[Kobu's Cure for Fatigue Mod.esp] (unparented) - Active
EDID 'NPCAbsorbFatigue2Apprentice' of record type SPEL conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: SPEL) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'StandardFortifyFatigue2Apprentice' of record type SPEL conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: SPEL) (Unparented) (Active)

[Kobu's Lighter Backpack Mod.esp] (unparented) - Active
No conflicts

[Kobu's Jack-of-All-Trades Mod.esp] (unparented) - Active
No conflicts

[Francesco's 10 days respawn time - 1-20 day lenght rescale.esp] (unparented) - Active
No conflicts

[Francesco's Optional Files.esp] (unparented) - Active
EDID 'AgronakGroMalog' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'AnvilGuardEscortCountess' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'BrumaGuardCityPatrolNight02' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'BrumaGuardEscortCountess' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'BrumaGuardJailorDay' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'BrumaGuardJailorNight' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'Caminalda' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ChorrolGuardCountess' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ChorrolGuardGreatHallNight01' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ChorrolGuardJailorDay' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ChorrolGuardJailorNight' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ChorrolGuardPatrolDay01' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ChorrolGuardPatrolDay02' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ChorrolGuardPatrolDay03' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ChorrolGuardPostDay01' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ChorrolGuardPostDay02' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ChorrolGuardPostDay03' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ChorrolGuardPostStablesDay' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'DAClavicusStatueScript' of record type SCPT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: SCPT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'DungNecroCoffin01' of record type CONT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: CONT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'FGC10troll' of record type CREA conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: CREA) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'Guard' of record type CLAS conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: CLAS) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'HamlofRedTooth' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
MidasSpells.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ICArboretumPostDay02' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ICArboretumPostNight02' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ICArcaneUGuardNight02' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ICElvenGuardPatrolDay01' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ImperialLegionForester' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ImperialLegionForester2' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ImperialLegionForester3' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ImperialLegionForester4' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ImperialLegionSoldierInnGottshaw' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ImperialLegionSoldierInnWawnet' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'Kalthar' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'LeyawiinGuardCityPatrolDay01' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'LeyawiinGuardCityPatrolDay03' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'LeyawiinGuardCityPostDay03' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'LeyawiinGuardCityPostNight03' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MQ11AnvilSoldier01' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MQ11CheydinhalSoldier01' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MQ11ChorrolSoldier01' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MQ11KvatchSoldier01' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MQ11LeyawiinSoldier01' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MQ11SkingradSoldier01' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MQ12KingsZombie01' of record type CREA conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: CREA) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MQ12KingsZombie02' of record type CREA conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: CREA) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MQ12LichKing' of record type CREA conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: CREA) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'SkingradCastleGuardJailorNight' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'SkingradCastleGuardPatrolDay02' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'SkingradCastleGuardPostNight01' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'SkingradGuardPatrolDay01' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'SkingradGuardPostDay02' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'SkingradGuardPostDay04' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'TG06PaleLadyVampire' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'TG10BootsScript' of record type SCPT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: SCPT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'Thiirchel' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'Thrangirfin' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'UpperSilverGlass01' of record type MISC conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: MISC) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'VicenteValtieri' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)

[Deadly Reflex 5 - Timed Block with no damage or durability changes.esp] (unparented) - Active
No conflicts

[Natural_Water_by_Max_Tael.esp] (unparented) - Active
No conflicts

[Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp] (unparented) - Active
EDID 'AllWeather' of record type CLMT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: CLMT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'AllWeatherCOPY0000' of record type CLMT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: CLMT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'AMBRainHeavyLP2' of record type SOUN conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: SOUN) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'AMBRWindForestCreaking2' of record type SOUN conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: SOUN) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'AMBThunder2' of record type SOUN conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: SOUN) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'AMBThunderDistant2' of record type SOUN conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: SOUN) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'AMBWindHeavyLP2' of record type SOUN conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: SOUN) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'CamoranClimateCOPY0000' of record type CLMT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: CLMT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'CamoranWeather' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'Clear' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'Clearb' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ClearClimate' of record type CLMT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: CLMT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ClearClimateCOPY0000' of record type CLMT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: CLMT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ClimateSigilCOPY0000' of record type CLMT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: CLMT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'Cloudy' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'Cloudyb' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'DefaultClimate' of record type CLMT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: CLMT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'DefaultClimateCOPY0000' of record type CLMT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: CLMT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'Fog' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MQTempleWeather' of record type CLMT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: CLMT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MQTempleWeatherCOPY0000' of record type CLMT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: CLMT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTClear01' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTClear01b' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTClear02' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTClear02b' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTClear03' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTClear03b' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTClear04' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTClear04b' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTClear05' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTClear05b' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTClear06' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTClear06b' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTCloudy01' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTCloudy01b' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTCloudy02' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTCloudy02b' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTCloudy03' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTCloudy03b' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTCloudy04' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTCloudy04b' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTCloudy05' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTCloudy05b' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTFog01' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTFog02' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTNWSeason' of record type QUST conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: QUST) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTNWWeather' of record type QUST conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: QUST) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTOvercast01' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTOvercast02' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTOvercast03' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTRain01' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTRain02' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTRain03' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTRainbow02' of record type GRAS conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: GRAS) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTSeason' of record type GLOB conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: GLOB) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTseasons' of record type SCPT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: SCPT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTSeasonsFastTravel' of record type SCPT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: SCPT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTSnow01' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTSnow02' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTSnow03' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTThunderstorm01' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTThunderstorm02' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTtravelcheck' of record type SCPT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: SCPT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'Obliviondefault' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'OblivionStormOblivion' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'OblivionStormTamriel' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'OblTempl01Sunset' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'Overcast' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'PalePassWorldClimate' of record type CLMT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: CLMT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'PalePassWorldClimateCOPY0000' of record type CLMT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: CLMT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'Rain' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'Snow' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'TamrielClimate' of record type CLMT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: CLMT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'TamrielClimateCOPY0000' of record type CLMT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: CLMT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'Thunderstorm' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ThunderstormKvatch' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)

[Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp] (unparented) - Active
EDID 'AllWeather' of record type CLMT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: CLMT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'AllWeatherCOPY0000' of record type CLMT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: CLMT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'AMBRainHeavyLP2' of record type SOUN conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: SOUN) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'AMBRWindForestCreaking2' of record type SOUN conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: SOUN) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'AMBThunder2' of record type SOUN conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: SOUN) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'AMBThunderDistant2' of record type SOUN conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: SOUN) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'AMBWindHeavyLP2' of record type SOUN conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: SOUN) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'CamoranClimateCOPY0000' of record type CLMT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: CLMT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'CamoranWeather' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'Clear' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'Clearb' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ClearClimate' of record type CLMT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: CLMT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ClearClimateCOPY0000' of record type CLMT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: CLMT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ClimateSigilCOPY0000' of record type CLMT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: CLMT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'Cloudy' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'Cloudyb' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'DefaultClimate' of record type CLMT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: CLMT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'DefaultClimateCOPY0000' of record type CLMT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: CLMT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'Fog' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MQTempleWeather' of record type CLMT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: CLMT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MQTempleWeatherCOPY0000' of record type CLMT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: CLMT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MSShadowscaleScript' of record type SCPT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: SCPT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTClear01' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTClear01b' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTClear02' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTClear02b' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTClear03' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTClear03b' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTClear04' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTClear04b' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTClear05' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTClear05b' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTClear06' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTClear06b' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTCloudy01' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTCloudy01b' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTCloudy02' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTCloudy02b' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTCloudy03' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTCloudy03b' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTCloudy04' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTCloudy04b' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTCloudy05' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTCloudy05b' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTFog01' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTFog02' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTNWSeason' of record type QUST conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: QUST) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTNWWeather' of record type QUST conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: QUST) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTOvercast01' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTOvercast02' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTOvercast03' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTRain01' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTRain02' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTRain03' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTRainbow02' of record type GRAS conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: GRAS) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTSeason' of record type GLOB conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: GLOB) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTseasons' of record type SCPT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: SCPT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTSeasonsFastTravel' of record type SCPT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: SCPT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTSnow01' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTSnow02' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTSnow03' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTThunderstorm01' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTThunderstorm02' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'MTtravelcheck' of record type SCPT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: SCPT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'Obliviondefault' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'OblivionStormOblivion' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'OblivionStormTamriel' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'OblTempl01Sunset' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'Overcast' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'PalePassWorldClimate' of record type CLMT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: CLMT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'PalePassWorldClimateCOPY0000' of record type CLMT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: CLMT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'Rain' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'Snow' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'TamrielClimate' of record type CLMT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: CLMT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'TamrielClimateCOPY0000' of record type CLMT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: CLMT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'Thunderstorm' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'ThunderstormKvatch' of record type WTHR conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp (Record type: WTHR) (Unparented) (Active)

[Natural_Vegetation_by_Max_Tael.esp] (unparented) - Active
No conflicts

[Natural_Habitat_by_Max_Tael.esp] (unparented) - Active
Minor conflicts

[RenGuardOverhaul.esp] (unparented) - Active
EDID 'MGExpulsion01Script' of record type SCPT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: SCPT) (Unparented) (Active)
EDID 'myProtoOpt' of record type MISC conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Record type: MISC) (Unparented) (Active)

[MidasSpells.esp] (unparented) - Active
EDID 'HamlofRedTooth' of record type NPC_ conflicts with 1 other plugin.
Francesco's Optional Files.esp (Record type: NPC_) (Unparented) (Active)
User avatar
Yvonne Gruening
Posts: 3503
Joined: Mon Apr 23, 2007 7:31 pm

Post » Wed Sep 08, 2010 8:56 pm

OBMM's conflict detector isn't particularly useful. Do you have OBSE installed? Do you have the game installed outside of your program files directory if using Vista/Win7? Post your load order.
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Victoria Bartel
Posts: 3325
Joined: Tue Apr 10, 2007 10:20 am

Post » Thu Sep 09, 2010 3:28 am

OBMM's conflict detector isn't particularly useful. Do you have OBSE installed? Do you have the game installed outside of your program files directory if using Vista/Win7? Post your load order.

I've narrowed the problem down the Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp. It is what causes conflicts for everything else for why I do not know. I load it before everything except the .esm files.
User avatar
Red Sauce
Posts: 3431
Joined: Fri Aug 04, 2006 1:35 pm

Post » Thu Sep 09, 2010 6:42 am

I've narrowed the problem down the Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp. It is what causes conflicts for everything else for why I do not know. I load it before everything except the .esm files.

That isn't a problem as long as you load it early. That why OBMM's conflict detector isn't useful. Those conflicts are perfectly normal and won't cause any problems with the correct load order.
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Haley Merkley
Posts: 3356
Joined: Sat Jan 13, 2007 12:53 pm

Post » Wed Sep 08, 2010 7:44 pm

Try running BOSS?
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louise hamilton
Posts: 3412
Joined: Wed Jun 07, 2006 9:16 am

Post » Thu Sep 09, 2010 1:15 am

Try running BOSS?

Ok, stopping UOP did nothing. Ran BOSS. Heres my load order now
. Note: Masterlist Information: $Revision: 788 $, $Date: 2010-04-02 12:04:08 -0700 (Fri, 02 Apr 2010) $, $LastChangedBy: pacificmorrowind $

Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items Mod.esm
. Bashed Patch tag suggestion: {{BASH:Invent, Delev, Relev, Actors.AIData,Actors.Stats, Stats}}

Francesco's Optional New Items Add-On.esm

Francesco's Optional New Creatures Add-On.esm



. Note: Original mod is heavily bugged. Make sure you are using Ryu Doppler's fixed version.

. Note: Original mod is heavily bugged. Make sure you are using Ryu Doppler's fixed version.



Francesco's Optional Files.esp
. Bashed Patch tag suggestion: {{BASH:Delev,Relev}}

. Note: Put before Unique Landscape mods to return tree sizes there to normal.



. Bashed Patch tag suggestion: {{BASH:Actors.AIData}}

Deadly Reflex 5 - Timed block and 150% damage.esp
. Note: Use no more than one Timed Block ESP.

DeadlyReflex 5 - Combat Moves.esp
. Note: See for a hotfix for CTD issues.

Kobu's Character Advancement System.esp

Kobu's Health Modifier Mod.esp

Kobu's Jack-of-All-Trades Mod.esp

Kobu's Cure for Fatigue Mod.esp

Kobu's Lighter Backpack Mod.esp

Francesco's 10 days respawn time - 1-20 day lenght rescale.esp
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Posts: 3335
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Post » Thu Sep 09, 2010 12:21 pm

Nothing I do works. I tried disabling everything except jogs and RGO and it didnt work. Guess I should just try to re-install obliv because idk what else to do.
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Rob Smith
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