12/12/2009 19:46:02 - RGO Version: 0.0000000 - PluggyInstalled: 1.0000000 - totalrings: 0.0000000 - activerings: 0.0000000 - RGO Version: Installed mods:oblivion.esmcobl main.esmoscuro's_oblivion_overhaul.esmtamrieltravellers.esmarmamentarium.esmunofficial oblivion patch.espdlcshiveringisles.espunofficial shivering isles patch.espsymphony of violence.espambienttownsounds.espmis.esppcsoundmazzy.espdrum_fix.espwindowlightingsystem.espcm_better wine.espcyrodilic brandy.espes4_alchemists reference.espkuerteesittablerocks.espmusical immersion 1.0.espp1dseeyousleep.espq - more and moldy ingredients v1.1.espraevwd cities.espraevwd imperial city.espliving economy.espliving economy - items.espff_real_thirst.espdlchorsearmor.espdlchorsearmor - unofficial patch.espdlcorrery.espdlcorrery - unofficial patch.espdlcvilelair.espdlcvilelair - unofficial patch.espp1dseeyousleep - dlcvilelair.espdlcmehrunesrazor.espdlcmehrunesrazor - unofficial patch.espdlcspelltomes.espdlcspelltomes - unofficial patch.espdlcthievesden.espdlcthievesden - unofficial patch.espdlcthievesden - unofficial patch - sssb.espcobl glue.espcobl si.espff_real_thirst, cobl.espooo 1.32-cobl.espcobl tweaks.esposcuro's_oblivion_overhaul.espinebriation.esparmamentariumllvendors.esparmamentariumartifacts.esptamrieltravellers4ooo.esptamrieltravellersitemsnpc.esptamrieltravellersitemscobl.esparmamentariumll4ooo.espfineweapons for ooo.esprustyitems for ooo.espza_bankmod.espdlcfrostcrag.espdlcfrostcrag - unofficial patch.espknights.espknights - unofficial patch.espthe lost spires.espharvest [flora].espharvest [flora] - shivering isles.espharvest [flora] - dlcvilelair.espharvest [flora] - dlcfrostcrag.espdrop lit torches weight.espkuerteeinventoryisabackpack.espkuerteegoldisaninventoryitem.espsalmo the baker, cobl.esproleplaying dialogues.espreal hunger, cobl.esprealisticfatigue.esprealistichealth.esprealsleepextended.espstealthoverhaul.espdd_proximitysneakpenalty.esprenguardoverhaul.esprenguardoverhaulshiveringisles.espenhanced grabbing.espkuerteenpcsyield.espooo-level_stock.esplet there be darkness - knights.esplet there be darkness - cyrodiil + si.esplet there be darkness - mehrunes razor.espcobl races.espget wet.espstreamline 3.1.esp
the behavior is as follows: attacking a guard in bruma, initializes an endless loop:
1)the guard shouts its all over lawbraker
2)i choose "I will not go with you"
3)the guard pulls out his sword but after 1 second he puts it away again
4)go to 1
19:50:25 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Moving stuff around because the player has entered a new city / area or has waited.19:50:25 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Moving stuff around because the player has entered a new city / area or has waited.19:50:25 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Moving stuff around because the player has entered a new city / area or has waited.19:50:25 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Moving stuff around because the player has entered a new city / area or has waited.19:50:25 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Moving stuff around because the player has entered a new city / area or has waited.19:50:25 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Moving stuff around because the player has entered a new city / area or has waited.19:50:25 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Player has committed an assault. Guardsthatcanseeplayer: PlayerAssaults: 18.0000000 PlayerAssaultsOld: 17.000000019:50:25 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: Stopped a Guard (000362BC) from starting conversation with the player.19:50:25 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: Guard (000362BC) has been attacked by the player.19:50:25 RenCrimeRingScript: A crime ring () has been added. City: Dummy Cell Total Guards: 1.0000000 Gold: 40.0000000 Global: 19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) has added crime-gold because they were attacking a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Moving stuff around because the player has entered a new city / area or has waited.19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (Bogamu Shadbu) has committed a crime and has a bounty of: 40.000000019:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: The player has yielded to Guard (000362BC).19:50:25 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: Guard (000362BC) talking with the player. Player crime gold: 40.0000000. Capture Rings: . Crime rings: 1.0000000. Active rings: 1.000000019:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.19:50:25 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: Guard (000362BC) talking with the player. Player crime gold: 40.0000000. Capture Rings: . Crime rings: 1.0000000. Active rings: 1.000000019:50:25 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (31003FF6) is going to be talking with a guard.
its like the whole interaction gets reset after 1-2seconds. Also the options in guards settings>guards follow player and guard settings>bribe amount are swaped.