I read through the whole topic here, didint find my problem, if its a problem at all anyway.
whenever i kill a guard, even when sneaking, at first there is no bounty, its 0. A few seconds later it ALLWAYS
sets itself to 250, even when i go on a stealthy rampage and sloughter the whole garrasin :/
iv tried configuering it alot, cant seem to figure out WHAT is giving me the bounty....when NO one saw me do it.
Im at a loss here. >.<
Older versions did not do this, not sure WHAT one it was tho, as i deleted the old one after installing the new....doh >.o
RE-EDIT* I spoke too soon -.-#
ok my last attempt at reposting this errored and i lost my explination, bah.
i dont feel like re typing what i did so hears a short version.
Ok so apparently my problems not fixed. This keeps happening in Cheydinhal.
I stealth kill a civilian, no bounty. I stealth kill a guard and it allways
hits me with a bounty of 500 gold.
Had a weird glitch happon with the essential guard standing outside the house.
Stealth kill him, bounty remained at 500 >:(
Anyway, he gets backup and stands back at his post. I nail him again, and alow
my 75% chamelion to whare off. He sees and confrunts me when he stabds back up.
i slash em in the face and he goes down, bounty still at 500. I stealth and wait.
Now this is the odd part, when he wakes back up, he stayed on the ground, but my
stealth indicater show that he can see me... O.o
So i slash em again, he goes out, he no longer sees me. This repeats until a black elf
woman exits a nearby building and stands there. I attack her, but shes essential as well.
no change to the 500g bounty, meh.
I have NO idea whats "seeing" me, but it is, and its annoying.
*EDIT* Ok, i just tested in the IC Market, at night, no chamelion, and killed off like 4-5 guards, no bounty

somthings bugged in Cheydinhal aparently, thats hitting me with a bounty :/
guess ill have to hold off killing any guards there for now till its fixed.
14/10/2009 23:36:44 - RGO Version: 1.9640000 - PluggyInstalled: 1.0000000 - totalrings: 0.0000000 - activerings: 0.0000000 - RGO Version: Installed mods:oblivion.esmdbshadowset.espmalebodyreplacerv4.esprise of a samurai.espakatosh mount by saiden storm.espexnem leather iron warrior.espblunderbuss.espslof's boners! v5.espassassin_blade.esprenguardoverhaul.espcomprehensive style collection.espsixlivion.esp23:36:44 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Moving stuff around because the player has entered a new city / area or has waited.23:36:44 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Moving stuff around because the player has entered a new city / area or has waited.23:36:44 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Moving stuff around because the player has entered a new city / area or has waited.23:36:44 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Moving stuff around because the player has entered a new city / area or has waited.23:36:44 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (00003651) has died. Canseeplayer: , guards that can see player: 23:36:44 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (Rochelle Bantien) is now reporting crimes.23:36:44 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Total number of scripts running: 19.0000000, total number of guard scripts running: 8.0000000, total number of civilian scripts running: 4.000000023:36:44 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Moving stuff around because the player has entered a new city / area or has waited.23:36:44 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (00005614) has died. Canseeplayer: , guards that can see player: 23:36:44 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Player has committed an murder. Guardsthatcanseeplayer: 23:36:44 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Player has committed an 'other' crime. Guardsthatcanseeplayer: 23:36:44 RenCrimeRingScript: A crime ring () is being cleaned up. Totalguards = 0, victimref = 023:36:44 RenCrimeRingScript: A crime ring () is being cleaned up. Gold: 1000.000000023:36:44 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (00005615) has died. Canseeplayer: , guards that can see player: 23:36:44 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Player has committed an murder. Guardsthatcanseeplayer: 23:36:44 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Moving stuff around because the player has entered a new city / area or has waited.23:36:44 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (00005610) has died. Canseeplayer: , guards that can see player: 23:36:44 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Player has committed an murder. Guardsthatcanseeplayer: 23:36:44 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (0004F003) has died. Canseeplayer: , guards that can see player: 23:36:44 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Player has committed an murder. Guardsthatcanseeplayer: 23:36:44 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (0004F004) is near the player. Canseeplayer: . Detected: 23:36:44 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (0004F004) is near the player. Canseeplayer: . Detected: 23:36:44 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (0004F004) has died. Canseeplayer: , guards that can see player: 23:36:44 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Player has committed an murder. Guardsthatcanseeplayer: 23:36:44 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Moving stuff around because the player has entered a new city / area or has waited.23:36:44 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Moving stuff around because the player has entered a new city / area or has waited.23:36:44 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (0004F006) is near the player. Canseeplayer: . Detected: 23:36:44 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (00005613) is near the player. Canseeplayer: . Detected: 23:36:44 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (000055EE) is near the player. Canseeplayer: . Detected: 23:36:44 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (000055FB) is near the player. Canseeplayer: . Detected: 23:36:44 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (00005616) has died. Canseeplayer: , guards that can see player: 23:36:44 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Player has committed an murder. Guardsthatcanseeplayer: 23:36:44 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (00005613) has died. Canseeplayer: , guards that can see player: 23:36:44 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (00005611) is near the player. Canseeplayer: . Detected: 23:36:44 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (000055FC) is near the player. Canseeplayer: . Detected: 23:36:44 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (000055EE) has died. Canseeplayer: , guards that can see player: 23:36:44 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (000055FB) is near the player. Canseeplayer: . Detected: 23:36:44 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Player has committed an murder. Guardsthatcanseeplayer: 23:36:44 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (00005611) has died. Canseeplayer: , guards that can see player: 23:36:44 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Player has committed an murder. Guardsthatcanseeplayer: 23:36:44 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (0004F006) is near the player. Canseeplayer: . Detected: 23:36:44 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Player has committed an murder. Guardsthatcanseeplayer: 23:36:44 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (000055FB) is near the player. Canseeplayer: . Detected: 23:36:44 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (000055FB) has died. Canseeplayer: , guards that can see player: 23:36:44 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Player has committed an murder. Guardsthatcanseeplayer: 23:36:44 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (000055FC) is near the player. Canseeplayer: . Detected: 23:36:44 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (0004F006) is near the player. Canseeplayer: . Detected: 23:36:44 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Player has committed an murder. Guardsthatcanseeplayer: 23:36:44 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (000055FC) has died. Canseeplayer: , guards that can see player: 23:36:44 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (00005617) is near the player. Canseeplayer: . Detected: 23:36:44 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (0004F006) has died. Canseeplayer: , guards that can see player: 23:36:44 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Player has committed an murder. Guardsthatcanseeplayer: 23:36:44 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (00005617) is near the player. Canseeplayer: . Detected: 23:36:44 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Player has committed an murder. Guardsthatcanseeplayer: 23:36:44 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (00005617) has died. Canseeplayer: , guards that can see player: 23:36:44 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Moving stuff around because the player has entered a new city / area or has waited.23:36:44 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Total number of scripts running: 13.0000000, total number of guard scripts running: 2.0000000, total number of civilian scripts running: 3.000000023:36:44 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Moving stuff around because the player has entered a new city / area or has waited.23:36:44 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Moving stuff around because the player has entered a new city / area or has waited.23:36:44 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (00005612) has died. Canseeplayer: , guards that can see player: 23:36:44 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Player has committed an murder. Guardsthatcanseeplayer: 23:36:44 RenCrimeCivilianRingScript: A civilian (00015DAD) has died. Canseeplayer: , guards that can see player: 23:36:44 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Moving stuff around because the player has entered a new city / area or has waited.23:41:06 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Moving stuff around because the player has entered a new city / area or has waited.23:41:06 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Moving stuff around because the player has entered a new city / area or has waited.23:41:06 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (0003C2C7) is near the player. Canseeplayer: . Detected: 23:41:06 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (0003C2C7) is near the player. Canseeplayer: . Detected: 23:41:06 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (0003C2C7) is near the player. Canseeplayer: . Detected: 23:41:06 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Total number of scripts running: 11.0000000, total number of guard scripts running: 1.0000000, total number of civilian scripts running: 2.000000023:41:06 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Moving stuff around because the player has entered a new city / area or has waited.23:41:06 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (0003C2C7) is near the player. Canseeplayer: . Detected: 23:41:06 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (0003C2C7) is near the player. Canseeplayer: . Detected: 23:41:06 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (0003C2C7) is near the player. Canseeplayer: . Detected: 23:41:06 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (0003C2C7) is near the player. Canseeplayer: . Detected: 23:41:06 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: Guard (0003C2C7) talking with the player. Player crime gold: 500.0000000. Can see player: 1.0000000. Crime rings: 1.0000000. Active rings: 1.000000023:41:06 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Moving stuff around because the player has entered a new city / area or has waited.23:41:06 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (0003C2C7) is near the player. Canseeplayer: 1.0000000. Detected: 1.000000023:41:06 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (0003C2C7) is near the player. Canseeplayer: 1.0000000. Detected: 1.000000023:41:06 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (0003C2C7) is near the player. Canseeplayer: 1.0000000. Detected: 1.000000023:41:06 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (0003C2C7) is near the player. Canseeplayer: 1.0000000. Detected: 1.000000023:41:06 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (0003C2C7) is near the player. Canseeplayer: 1.0000000. Detected: 1.000000023:41:06 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (0003C2C7) is near the player. Canseeplayer: 1.0000000. Detected: 1.000000023:41:06 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (0003C2C7) is near the player. Canseeplayer: 1.0000000. Detected: 1.000000023:41:06 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (0003C2C7) is near the player. Canseeplayer: 1.0000000. Detected: 1.000000023:41:06 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Moving stuff around because the player has entered a new city / area or has waited.23:41:06 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (0003C2C7) is near the player. Canseeplayer: 1.0000000. Detected: 23:41:06 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: Guard (0003C2C7) talking with the player. Player crime gold: 500.0000000. Can see player: . Crime rings: 1.0000000. Active rings: 1.000000023:41:06 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Moving stuff around because the player has entered a new city / area or has waited.23:41:06 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (0003C2C7) is near the player. Canseeplayer: 1.0000000. Detected: 1.000000023:41:06 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (0003C2C7) is near the player. Canseeplayer: 1.0000000. Detected: 1.000000023:41:06 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (0003C2C7) is near the player. Canseeplayer: 1.0000000. Detected: 1.000000023:41:06 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (0003C2C7) is near the player. Canseeplayer: 1.0000000. Detected: 1.000000023:41:06 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (0003C2C7) is near the player. Canseeplayer: 1.0000000. Detected: 1.000000023:41:06 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (0003C2C7) is near the player. Canseeplayer: 1.0000000. Detected: 1.000000023:41:06 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (0003C2C7) is near the player. Canseeplayer: 1.0000000. Detected: 1.000000023:41:06 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (0003C2C7) is near the player. Canseeplayer: 1.0000000. Detected: 1.000000023:41:06 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (0003C2C7) is near the player. Canseeplayer: 1.0000000. Detected: 1.000000023:41:06 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (0003C2C7) is near the player. Canseeplayer: 1.0000000. Detected: 1.000000023:41:06 RenCrimeNodeQuestScript: Total number of scripts running: 14.0000000, total number of guard scripts running: 1.0000000, total number of civilian scripts running: 4.000000023:41:06 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (0003C2C7) is near the player. Canseeplayer: 1.0000000. Detected: 1.000000023:41:06 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (0003C2C7) is near the player. Canseeplayer: 1.0000000. Detected: 1.000000023:41:06 RenCrimeGuardRingScript: A Guard (0003C2C7) is near the player. Canseeplayer: 1.0000000. Detected: 1.0000000