[RELz] Reneer's Guard Overhaul

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:07 am

Been using this Mod, it works pretty well, although sometimes things happen I don`t quite understand. for instance, at one point guards kept running up to me to ask how I was after I stole somrthing instead of arresting me. After I reconfigured RGO, it stopped.

It`s interesting how this Mod can work with other Mods accidentally to create a little story too. for example:

I was having a fight in the wilderness against tough bandits when an Orc Merchant (from the Tamriel travellers Mod) arrived and help me fight and kill the bandits. However, the Orc was heavily wounded and collapsed on the floor, gasping (Realistic fatigue with gasping). I looked at the Orc and decided to check his stuff. I stole 500 gold he had on him - I don`t usually do this as I like to play a good character, but I wanted to see if it would work.

I carried on exploring the nearby ruin and about an hour later the Orc recovered and started following me everywhere. I tried to lose him, but just as I thought I`d lost him, he found me. I couldn`t figure out why he was following me. finally, I got tired of it and walked into Chorrol with the Orc behind me and got arrested, then the Orc left! I guess the Orc was following me cos I stole from it and was waiting for a guard to tell on me!

What do you mean you reconfigured it and it worked? I've had reneers for awhile, guards dont do anything when you steal or kill, just come running up to you asking how you are. Dl'd this version hoping it'd fix that, nope same problem. Yet you say you configured it and it doesn't do that anymore? If so how.
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Albert Wesker
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:51 pm

I managed to add the corpse disposal feature we were discussing awhile back in PiiiP's thread. If you'd like to add handling for RGO, just check if zzPiiiPSanityQ.sIsPlayerDraggingACorpse is non-zero. The ref. to the grabbed corpse is stored in the variable zzPiiiPGrabQ.rGrabbedItem for the duration of dragging. Version number in zzPiiiPVarsQ.fVersion.

Good luck with your future endeavors.
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Melung Chan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:07 pm

Any status on the upcoming version? I'm having an issue with Melus Petilius in the Molag Bal quest
When hes supposed to attack me with the mace, he doesn't and just runs around yelling for guards, if I disable RGO, he works fine but then if I enable it after the quest is done he will yell for the guards again,

I have also seen guards not arresting the player, they will just greet me instead.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:16 am

The mod has now effected another quest, breaking it as well. Casting stark reality in the Sanguine quest causes everyone to attack the player no matter what and even when the player is dead they still yell for the guards.

I have no choice now but to disable it completely, the mod is too buggy.
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sarah simon-rogaume
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:25 pm

The mod has now effected another quest, breaking it as well. Casting stark reality in the Sanguine quest causes everyone to attack the player no matter what and even when the player is dead they still yell for the guards.

I have no choice now but to disable it completely, the mod is too buggy.

Well njyes.... I wouldn't call it too buggy. Sanguine quest is tough in vanilla that way too, right. You just have to be a fast sprinter and awoid getting hit. The yelling for guards is annoying but that should not continue after they report the crime to a guard.

I'd suggest you remove it for a while (remember to use the ring to stop the mod first) and maybe add it back later, that should reset some. Or do a clean save after removing it, then readd it.

Other mods that do similar things is no psychic guards.
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April D. F
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:57 pm

If you had read the post I made before that, you would see it's not just a vanilla problem
First, there was 3-5 guards there so they shouldn't have to keep yelling if that was the case.

Second, they just attack me outright, this is not right. They should give me the option to pay the bounty or at least yield to them.
It seems to be random though, sometimes they attack me, sometimes they come up and greet me. they very rarely try and arrest me as they should.

Still going to call it not buggy now? Clean saving wont help, already done that

Honestly, I have very low patience for buggy mods these days. It's always something that's screwing up and there is no end to it. No offense to Reneer, this is just my general feeling towards community right now, I guess I just picked a bad time to start a game as I usually do.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:33 pm

Great mod! Been using it for a while :) Found 2 minor bugs, though.

1: When upgrading I simply disabled the old esp and enabled the new without making a clean save in between. When I loaded up, I got a second RGO Config Ring in my inventory - the upgrade didn't check if I already had one and just gave me a new one. I also noticed that a few guards who previously didn't care (in Bruma) suddenly wanted to arrest me. I ran into a CTD shortly after loading my game, however, and clean saved without RGO and that has cleared up all of these issues.

2: In the Config Menu, under guard configuration clicking on the Bribe Amount option takes me to the Guards Follow Player menu, and vice versa.
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Judy Lynch
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:45 am

If you had read the post I made before that, you would see it's not just a vanilla problem
First, there was 3-5 guards there so they shouldn't have to keep yelling if that was the case.

Second, they just attack me outright, this is not right. They should give me the option to pay the bounty or at least yield to them.
It seems to be random though, sometimes they attack me, sometimes they come up and greet me. they very rarely try and arrest me as they should.

Still going to call it not buggy now? Clean saving wont help, already done that

Honestly, I have very low patience for buggy mods these days. It's always something that's screwing up and there is no end to it. No offense to Reneer, this is just my general feeling towards community right now, I guess I just picked a bad time to start a game as I usually do.
Ok. Go find another guard mod then and use that instead. At this point I really don't give a damn if anyone uses my mods.
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jessica breen
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:34 pm

Honestly, I have very low patience for buggy mods these days. It's always something that's screwing up and there is no end to it. No offense to Reneer, this is just my general feeling towards community right now, I guess I just picked a bad time to start a game as I usually do.

The really ironic thing about that statement is that the vast majority of mods for OB are LESS buggy than the vanilla game. Several mods actually fix bugs in the original game. But then, maybe that's just the problem? Fixing all those bugs might have raised your expectations so high that Reneer can't even reach them.

When you run into bugs in a mod, you have 3 choices. You can do as much research and investigation as you can to try and narrow down the bug and then report it with as much information as possible, and then wait for an update. You can edit the mod yourself to try and track down the bug and fix it for yourself, possibly reporting your successful fix so the modder can implement it in a later version. Or you can do both. I generally do the latter. Or, I suppose there's a 4th option - you could throw the mod (or the game) out and find something else to do.
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ANaIs GRelot
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:21 pm

Ok. Go find another guard mod then and use that instead. At this point I really don't give a damn if anyone uses my mods.

Seriously Reneer, I didn't mean anything towards you or you're mods.
Although if you are frustrated, I can understand. I always see something happening with RGO and there's always an update needed for it.
It's not your fault, however I wonder if all this could be fixed and made more efficiently with OBSE (but I think at one time you stated that you would never use OBSE ever)

Bottom line is there is no other mod, we all use what you have made and I hope it doesn't get to you to the point where you need to stop. I think that would be a real lose to the community

The really ironic thing about that statement is that the vast majority of mods for OB are LESS buggy than the vanilla game. Several mods actually fix bugs in the original game. But then, maybe that's just the problem? Fixing all those bugs might have raised your expectations so high that Reneer can't even reach them.

When you run into bugs in a mod, you have 3 choices. You can do as much research and investigation as you can to try and narrow down the bug and then report it with as much information as possible, and then wait for an update. You can edit the mod yourself to try and track down the bug and fix it for yourself, possibly reporting your successful fix so the modder can implement it in a later version. Or you can do both. I generally do the latter. Or, I suppose there's a 4th option - you could throw the mod (or the game) out and find something else to do.

This is true, however I would say it's not because I have a high standard but that I just wish at the very least that I could have one play through of the game without issue.
Again, I am not blaming Reneer at all, lots of other issues have come up and together it just reminds me again how buggy this game really is.

I think I have reported what I could, if Reneer needs more I will be more than happy to help him if it will help bring a fix to this faster. As for finding the problem and/or fixing it myself, that would be beyond me. I do have basic modding knowledge, but a script heavy mod like RGO would make my eyes glaze over. The 4th option isn't really an option at all.
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Shelby Huffman
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:38 pm


Don't give up man! As someone who rarely plays in any case, your mod hasn't left my load order in, well, since I first started adding mods. As I don't tend to run up to the nearest guard and start hacking at them I've personally never seen any bugs in your mod. I did have some issues with the "feature" of DR5 where casting a spell while pointing in someone's direction counted as assault and for a short time thought it was your mod, but it wasn't. Now I just don't cast spells while facing anyone I'm not already fighting.

Put another way, your mod works very well for some of us and your work is greatly appreciated.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:44 am

Put another way, your mod works very well for some of us and your work is greatly appreciated.


QFT. :wave:
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jenny goodwin
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:46 pm

Still going to call [Reneer's Mod] not buggy now?

Honestly, I have very low patience for buggy mods these days. It's always something that's screwing up and there is no end to it. No offense to Reneer, this is just my general feeling towards community...

Seriously Reneer, I didn't mean anything towards you or you're mods.

You can't get away with "No offense" on the one hand and "no patience... always something screwing up... general feeling toward the community..." on the other.

If you're unhappy with the performance of the mod or its author, go find another mod to play with.

If you want to report bugs for a mod you intend to continue to use, then for Pete's sake be polite. The particular phraseology you've been using is combative and complaining. Intended or not, it's no wonder you've got Reneer's (and some other people's) ire up.

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Charlotte Buckley
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:20 pm

Let me clarify again, what I said was not directed towards any one mod or developer. Seeing as this was taken the other way I tried to explain to Reneer this was not the case, but it seems that others still see it that way as well.

I have no desire to argue over my frustrations with the game anymore, it seems no one can relate to that at all.

Back on topic though
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Tiffany Carter
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:44 pm

Let me clarify again, what I said was not directed towards any one mod or developer. Seeing as this was taken the other way I tried to explain to Reneer this was not the case, but it seems that others still see it that way as well.

I have no desire to argue over my frustrations with the game anymore, it seems no one can relate to that at all.

Back on topic though

Well I do agree.. this mod is extremely buggy and it is frustrating not getting help. I posted something a couple pages back that still hasn't been answered.

I think you guys should give this guy a break, he wasn't trying to offend anyone.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:58 pm

Well I do agree.. this mod is extremely buggy and it is frustrating not getting help. I posted something a couple pages back that still hasn't been answered.

I think you guys should give this guy a break, he wasn't trying to offend anyone.
Hooray. Go find another mod to use then. You think it isn't frustrating hearing people constantly complain? When people actually expect me to be at their beck and call all the time? I do this as a hobby, not as a job. I have way more important things to do than sit around all day and answer questions that are already answered in the ReadMe. I also don't have the time to always answer every single post that pops up in this thread. If you want a bug-free mod with a modder who has endless time to squash all the bugs in sight, that sure as hell isn't me. Better yet if you want a bug-free mod, go spend some time and make your own. At least that way the only person you can blame is yourself when it doesn't always work.
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Nick Tyler
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:12 pm

Hooray. Go find another mod to use then. You think it isn't frustrating hearing people constantly complain? When people actually expect me to be at their beck and call all the time? I do this as a hobby, not as a job. I have way more important things to do than sit around all day and answer questions that are already answered in the ReadMe. I also don't have the time to always answer every single post that pops up in this thread. If you want a bug-free mod with a modder who has endless time to squash all the bugs in sight, that sure as hell isn't me. Better yet if you want a bug-free mod, go spend some time and make your own. At least that way the only person you can blame is yourself when it doesn't always work.

On the flip side, I have to beg and plead for feedback and bug reports. Testing and retesting and re-retesting a mod by yourself isn't easy and I'd kill for a few bug reports to ease the process of making a good release worthy mod. What gets me is when somebody comes along and submits a bug report in an accusatory tone - like I made it buggy on purpose just to annoy THEM specifically. That's the only kind of feedback I dislike.

It goes without saying that you're a great modder, and nobody here can help but respect your genius and the work you put into the mods you release. But complaints and bug reports and bug fixes and lots and lots of monotonous testing are part of being a modder. It comes with the territory. If you're tired of it, I don't think anyone could fault you for taking a break. Just don't disappear completely, a lot of us are big fans and would be pretty sad to see you go.
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Maria Leon
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:31 am

On the flip side, I have to beg and plead for feedback and bug reports. Testing and retesting and re-retesting a mod by yourself isn't easy and I'd kill for a few bug reports to ease the process of making a good release worthy mod. What gets me is when somebody comes along and submits a bug report in an accusatory tone - like I made it buggy on purpose just to annoy THEM specifically. That's the only kind of feedback I dislike.

It goes without saying that you're a great modder, and nobody here can help but respect your genius and the work you put into the mods you release. But complaints and bug reports and bug fixes and lots and lots of monotonous testing are part of being a modder. It comes with the territory. If you're tired of it, I don't think anyone could fault you for taking a break. Just don't disappear completely, a lot of us are big fans and would be pretty sad to see you go.
I have to respectfully disagree. Being a modder doesn't require me to do anything. There is no contract that I had to agree to when I released my first mod. There is absolutely nothing stopping me from releasing a mod and forgetting about it entirely, bugs and all. I could have simply released RGO back in August of 2006 and simply never touched it ever again. Would it have become a successful mod? Probably not. It only became successful when I spent countless hours trying to perfect it. All along this road I've had people criticize me, get angry about this or that bug and generally show little to no appreciation for the amount of blood, sweat and tears I've put into all of my mods. Every now and then some kind soul will come along and thank me for my work, but usually that's just the harbinger for 10 other people to come along and complain how the damn mod doesn't work.

So you can believe all you want that modding necessitates bug reports, bug fixes and the like and modders are obligated to the community to fix bugs and listen to people whine. I don't.
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Epul Kedah
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:33 pm

I don't think you guys understand. Reener is a modder. An author of a mod. That is his mod. That he spent his time on it. He is in no way obligated to answer any of your question. If you "don't have patience" for a mod, then move on. Don't complain. No matter how much you stress you don't mean to be offensive, you are. With that attitude, you are only going to make another great modder disappear, and it will be your loss.

@Reneer, i am with you completely. Don't let them anger you, and thumbs up for your work!
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Kevin Jay
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:14 pm

I certainly didn't mean it that way at all and I'm sorry if you felt threatened by what I said. I can understand where your coming from Reneer and I do regret what I said after seeing how much trouble it caused. This is not the place to vent my frustrations with the game and modding in general anyways
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Penny Courture
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:23 pm

I've been using the mod for ages with almost no issues, and the one time my guards weren't arresting me when I attacked them, a new version was out soon that fixed that. I have absolutely no complaints about this mod. It does what it says it does, and it does it well. Thanks for the mod, Reneer :)
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Kerri Lee
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:49 pm

Hooray. Go find another mod to use then. You think it isn't frustrating hearing people constantly complain? When people actually expect me to be at their beck and call all the time? I do this as a hobby, not as a job. I have way more important things to do than sit around all day and answer questions that are already answered in the ReadMe. I also don't have the time to always answer every single post that pops up in this thread. If you want a bug-free mod with a modder who has endless time to squash all the bugs in sight, that sure as hell isn't me. Better yet if you want a bug-free mod, go spend some time and make your own. At least that way the only person you can blame is yourself when it doesn't always work.

You have a really negative attitude...

I wasn't implying I wanted help from you at all, and if you had cared to even read my post from a couple pages ago, I was actually asking help from someone that solved an issue in your mod.

You should stop taking things so personally and be a bit more patient with the people that use your mod. Go take a long over at the FCOM thread, where people ask the help for the same issues thousands of times over,

you don't see the people there throwing a fit about it.
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Miss K
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:25 pm

You should stop taking things so personally and be a bit more patient with the people that use your mod. Go take a long over at the FCOM thread, where people ask the help for the same issues thousands of times over,

you don't see the people there throwing a fit about it.

And he's not developing FCOM, he's developing his own mod... I've said before that people like dev and Corepc are *way* too patient for their own good; this makes it look like they're too patient for everyone else's good too, which is just depressing. Seriously, what do you expect to achieve by telling him to look at how other modders put up with rtfm-idiocy day after day? No, I don't get that at all.

Meh, I've said enough. Probably more than enough, I don't like getting involved in this kind of "stuff". I politely suggest that if there's going to be any more discussion about modders' attitudes to feedback it is moved out of this thread into a separate thread, so this thread can remain dedicated to support and development of Reneer's Guard Overhaul.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:58 pm

You have a really negative attitude...

I wasn't implying I wanted help from you at all, and if you had cared to even read my post from a couple pages ago, I was actually asking help from someone that solved an issue in your mod.

You should stop taking things so personally and be a bit more patient with the people that use your mod. Go take a long over at the FCOM thread, where people ask the help for the same issues thousands of times over,

you don't see the people there throwing a fit about it.
First of all, you post this:
Well I do agree.. this mod is extremely buggy and it is frustrating not getting help. I posted something a couple pages back that still hasn't been answered.

I think you guys should give this guy a break, he wasn't trying to offend anyone.
Now how am I supposed to construe that as being directed at someone else, when you post it in my thread, call my mod buggy and generally be rather rude about it? And secondly, don't you dare talk to me about patience. I don't have a problem with answering questions (though if the answer is in the ReadMe I may be a bit snarky about it). I've been answering questions and updating my mods for over three years now. I have a problem when people come into my thread, badmouth my mod and generally act like I owe them something. That is what pisses me off.

To everyone else: Don't worry, RGO will still be updated (though for a moment or two I was considering taking my toys home). However, the continual support from you guys is what keeps me doing this. If there was no community backing me up I would have moved on a long time ago.
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emily grieve
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:11 pm

I've been answering questions and updating my mods for over three years now.

Unfortunately that doesn't count for much to a lot of users. :shrug: You know you have the utmost respect for your work from I think pretty much all the other modders out there.
To everyone else: Don't worry, RGO will still be updated (though for a moment or two I was considering taking my toys home).
That's appreciated. Thankyou!

All the best,

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