You know, people are always going to whine and complain about bugs in a mod. That is an immutable law of modding, and that's what I meant when I said that it comes with the territory. How a modder chooses to respond to such negetivity is up to him. Personally, I prefer the 2-year-old passive aggressive method of picking and choosing who I offer support to and I ignore the people who are rude about their support requests. Then again - as I said before - I have to BEG for bug reports to begin with. When you want your mod to be perfect, any bug report, no matter how rudely worded, is a helpful bug report.
The rest of us can do better at showing support and gratitude. I know the blood, sweat, and tears I put into my mods - and I make pretty pathetic simple mods. I can only imagine the work and time and pain Reneer devotes to the amazing mods he creates. I've said it before of him, and I'll say it again - I am in awe of his talent and genius.
I like cake.