We added climates to all vanilla building interiors that have levels at or above ground level. Or I should say, we did this with the vast majority of them. Yes, this also means buildings with no windows are included since we're still syncing for weather sounds in those locations. No dungeons, forts, or Ayleid ruins were included in the climate setup. No building levels that are undergound have climates, and some parts of castles don't either where we felt they'd be far enough indoors to be insulated from sound.
The indoor weather filter mod that accompanies All Natural extends support for that into many interiors provided by mods, but they're all picked by hand and added on a case by case basis because of the limited master slots available.
One thing I did notice with this mod, it isn't taking windowless locations into account. I have no idea how you'd go about bypassing this though so that it only works on interiors with windows, unless you made the mod dependent on our master and checked it for the specific climates.
Ah, I see. Hmmm. Well, I was just checking something, and OBSE's command GetCurrentClimateID seems to return the
exterior climate if the interior cell has not had its own Climate set. Plus, GetCurrentClimateID will obviously return any climates used by Natural Interiors / All Natural.
One thing about windowless locations, however, is that there are some (like the Anvil Mages Guild and other buildings in Anvil) that don't have windows on the first floor but have windows on the floors up above.