Vast improvement. Most of the interiors I checked looked ok. There's still some issues with rocks and trees that are outside near the exterior being copied inside.
It would still be nice to have some way to skip the process if the interior has no windows. I know that's not easy to detect, but in the case of the manor for AFK_Weye, it was putting stuff in the basemant, some of which is still blocking paths. It also placed things on the second and third floors where no windows exist. I don't really know of any other way to check that besides a giant array of meshes with windows, or to do climate detection since AN knows which ones are used in places with windows. I have yet to see what happens when you go into a cave or something that clearly shouldn't be covered.
There's also a curious issue with trees:
It seems to be totally random as to whether you'll see leaves or just bare branches, much like the one outside that window, and the one next to it on the right. If you TCL outside the interior mesh, the leaves are often only viewable from one angle and from the rest all you see are branches.
I have no clue what is up with the trees - I'll look into it.
The basemant issue should be pretty easy to fix - I'll just check to see if the cell's name includes "basemant", though I doubt it will be that easy.
I may be able to figure out which cell is a cave by checking the meshes / the cell name.
Edit: Basemant issue is fixed (checking cell names) for 0.94. Still trying to figure out tree issue. Looking into some possible CS setting values... but the Wiki has no info on them. :/
The one major issue I'm still puzzled about is what to do about buildings that go underground (like the Mages Guild in Bruma) - obviously the landscape mesh will overlap any area that is underground and I may have to figure out if NifSE can properly deal with it, or try to find some other way.