This is a WIP / REL - thread for my first mod ever. I'll explain what it will do first:
It will place 4 to 5 new NPC's scattered across Vvardenfell (haven't decided on locations yet) who will offer the player rentable enchantments rather than selling them. You 'll have the choice of renting the items for 1, 2, 3 days (perhaps with an option to extend the period) and when the period expires some guys are dispatched to get the item back from you either the easy or the hard way, that'll be up to you. Killing them will only give you some respite as their buddies will be back the next day until you give back the item or return it yourself to the person you rented it from.
Being a coder, I started with the scripts - those are done now so it's time to start making the NPC's and setting up their goods as well as determining the costs of renting items and I could use some input / feedback on a few things to make sure the mod is actually useful:
1. You can only rent one item at a time (Note that this it NOT per vendor but all vendors, I'll explain when asked). If you want to rent another item, you will have to return your current item. I would be willing to look into raising the limit to 2 or 3 but no higher than that but in my opinion it's unnecessary. The mod is not intended to make it possible for you to turn into an semi-pro enchanted butt-kicker with rented gear - just to help some lower level characters get by a little easier when they're having a hard time during a quest for example.
2. My plan is to determine the rent cost thru the item's value. Dividing it by 5 would be reasonable in my opinion. E.g. if I'd want to rent the Sword of White Woe which has a value of 15000 - it would cost 3000 for one day. I won't make any items available that cost less than say 500 gold so there won't be the matter of items being rentable for free.
3. I'm currently writing out the dialogue for the NPC's renting out the items and in the process of working out how the actual renting will take place. I plan on having all the items visible in their shop so you can check them all out then talk to the NPC to choose the item you want thru dialogue. After exiting the dialogue, you will then be able to pick up the item without getting a bounty. If you do not pick up the item, the repo-gang will never come after you when the period expired as you never took the item with you. If the last part turns out to be impossible, you'll just obtain the item thru dialogue.
4. I plan on having 15-25 items per NPC available for rent, some custom (effect-wise) and some as they're found in game and have them all specialise in certain effects / items probably determined by region, Some good levitation-items for the Telvanni-region for example.Ofcourse they'll all have some general purpose equipment as well. Still looking into what each region could use so suggestions are more than welcome!

5. As far as the NPC locations go, I'm thinking of placing them in and around the smaller villages where there are no mage guilds. Part of the background story is that the NPC's were forced to move out when the guild enchanters got wind of their renting business.
Once I get a list down of what items I want per region, I'll put it up here to see if anyone has any suggestions. Also, if anyone is interested in testing the beta-version when it's ready, let me know and I'll contact you when it reaches that stage.