I run around and try to kill people. I do not camp, I have less than 400 melee kills, I haven't even unlocked flashbang, jaw, or C4.(I just do not use them) I do not even use radar.(I also find it hard to walk and chew gum at the same time) If I see someone I activate armor and shoot them, or they shoot me. I am not in a clan and I do not have any friends. I just play because I fell in love with this game.
When I first started playing I was avoided for a lack of skill, probably because of my .11 K/D ratio. Since then I have worked hard and it is now 1.65. My W/L ratio is also positive at 1.37. It is a bit disheartening to have worked so hard to improve and have people avoid you and send hate mail.
I have gone from being called garbage, noob, and some much more colorful things, to aggressive and unsporting. Hey! I think that I must be doing something right. Now if I can just learn to melee...