Repair A Damaged Object

Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 6:03 am

When in building mode at Sanctuary, or any I've setup with the MinuteMen, I get an animated message, saying "repair a damaged object", this is every 2-5seconds, and is infuriating as I've zero idea what particular object it is on about!.

Anyone know a sure fire way to permanently tell this message to f-off? or give me some more information?

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Manuela Ribeiro Pereira
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:12 pm

I have the same issue with one settlement, combed the entire area several times over and have not seen a single thing that needs "repairing".

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Spooky Angel
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 8:12 am

This is bit of weird UI issue / bug / poor design by bethesda , or some combo pf all three.

1. Objects get damaged via off screen attacks. Some attacks at least for me are not alerted by message
2. I know about dmg / attack only because i know ,y memorized stats for each settlement
3. If you go to settlement immediately after the attack, you can see damaged turrets down to 0 defense rating not moving, so these will be easy to spot. But....

-damaged turrets that arent reduced to 0 defense rating still move, so you need to again know your memorized settlement stats, to know if defense vs other stat is lower than should be

-compounding above, either display bug or intended, given sufficient time from attack, turrets will 'recover' but not really be fixed. A totally broken, down to 0 defense rating turret will start to move again and appear functional if you dont go to settlement after attack immediately. So again, finding what needs to be fixed unless you memorize your settlement stats is made more difficult

-given bethesda released this so that you have multiple settlements with many settlers and zero UI or info telling you who is assigned to what/where, the fact we have to memorize always changing settlement stats to find what needs repairing in reasonable fashion is not surprising

Tl-dr - visual cues are poor, text pane or summaary pf otems needing repair is non-existent. The game is still solid entertainment. But it is fair to say bethesda has launched a lot of turds along with good parts. This is one pf the bad nuggets. Memorize settlement stats or write them down, finding what gets damaged is vague if you dont.
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Kelly John
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 1:36 am

Guy above me makes a lot of sense, but I had this happen on a fairly new settlement so it did not take me long to check everything (first being the turrets) and I never saw an option to repair anything.
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