Repairing the Cogs of Morrowind #33 (MCP)

Post » Fri Oct 09, 2015 8:32 am

Morrowind Code Patch

This is a project to fix bugs in Morrowind that just aren't possible to do with scripting alone. It comes in the form of a patch to the Morrowind program.

The primary fix included is a large change to the savegame code to reduce the majority of crashes, corruption, and missing objects. It also makes the game properly respond to changes in your load list, making inserting and removing mods from your savegames a lot safer. There are many more smaller fixes that cover all areas of the game.

All fixes and gameplay changes included are optional, you can independently select which ones you want to use in the installer.

Compatible with English, West European, Polish, Russian and Steam editions. Compatible with MGE, MGEXE, MWSE, MWE, and FPS Opt 1.96.
Not compatible with the Impulse/Gamestop download version, nor FPS Opt 2.0.

Version 2.1 is out now.

Notable features in 2.1:

- Hang on loading fix. Fixes errors in Morrowind's script parser that caused occasional hanging (or more rarely errors) during the "Initializing Data" phase, when loading savegames. It should also speed up this phase of loading.

- Better ingredient and item selector. A much improved menu for selecting components. Affects selecting ingredients, enchanting items and the quick item menu.

- Spell select by name. Allows selecting spells by pressing the first letter of the spell, while in the inventory menu. Repeat presses will cycle through all spells starting with that letter. You can reverse cycle by holding down the Ctrl key. It will only select spells, not powers or magic items. The spell selection only operates after the inventory is open. Any menu which takes key input will turn off the feature until the inventory is next opened.

- Book and scroll scaling fix. Makes books, scrolls and the journal scale to fit wider screens by examining the screen height instead of the width. Fixes issues with multi-monitor setups, where the book would be larger than the screen, with all buttons off-screen.

- Better typography. Improves the layout of books, scrolls and the journal. Pages have more words per line, and lines per page. The quest and topic list is wider, and wraps less. Scrolls have their text area increased to fill the available space as much as possible. Realigned for default book texture. Journal bookmark menu has a new layout. Texture replacers need to be adjusted to fit.

- Around 100 other patches.

2.2 is in beta testing -

See the previous threads to see how this came about:
Repairing those Cogs

Now that MCP improves aspects of the graphics and animation handling, you can discuss how to make mods with these new features
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Wanda Maximoff
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Post » Fri Oct 09, 2015 6:58 am

Worth emphasizing this again so it gets noticed more, I think. Thanks to the MCP (beta), you can make the player play animations now! A mod could allow the player to sit, lay down, etc at his leisure (at a keypress, if using MWSE). Could even make it functional by speeding up Fatigue recovery.

Not that I know of. Would need to look through the TESCS or maybe run some clever tes3cmd scan to be sure. But the result is pretty bad; the NPC will hold an invisible torch, essentially holding up an empty hand in the torch pose and emitting torchlight, until it runs out.

Damn. Thanks for the explanation. And at least knowing the cause of it can make working with/around it easier.

Would it also be feasible to include a specific expression or string within the name or id of the spell as an exclusion marker, or something like that? e.g. normal spells with "NPC " in their name (or beginning with it) or "nosell" in id don't show up in the list either (preferably something like id marker so the name is free to be whatever, even though mods e.g. BTBGI would need to be patched to accommodate). That would be useful as a fix to some existing (and future) mods that add strong NPC-specific normal spells to NPCs that the player isn't supposed to be able to get, that can give them to spellmerchants (or plainly all NPCs e.g. autocalc spells) as well. Would also be good for "steal the spells from a person's mind (by temporarily turning them into a free spellmerchant)" mod features, like in the existing Scripted Spells mod.

Reportedly it seems to work fine with many vars, as long as you don't use the 34th one (of each type) and also the 60-something one apparently, read something like that the other way but can't find it now...
Could potentially fix older mods with such a "bug" in them and make newer ones not have to worry about it, but probably not really worth it if it's any huge amount of work.
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Nany Smith
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Post » Fri Oct 09, 2015 10:30 am

I check all NPC inventories with tes3cmd and none of them have non-carriable lights. I've also never seen it happen in-game, which would be fairly obvious since it would look like the character is holding an invisible torch.

That's good news about the spell list filter. It may be worth doing so for creatures as well, just incase some mod enables creature spell vendors ala the Creeper. Thanks again. :smile:

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Mike Plumley
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Post » Thu Oct 08, 2015 9:55 pm

Trueflame script?

Also, Luminous Atronachs mod. I'd say this is a useful mechanic, it's better not to remove it.

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michael danso
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Post » Thu Oct 08, 2015 7:48 pm

The "bladeScript" (for Trueflame) only works on the player and it doesn't actually equip a light, it just adds one to the PC's inventory. Lights like that still work even if not equipped (equipping it would replace your shield). The same likely goes for adding a light to the atronachs inventory, I think it should still give off light even without needing to be equipped.

As far as I can tell the NPCs equipping non-carriable lights only happens at night and probably has something to do with the normal behavior that causes guards to equip "carriable" lights (torches/lanterns/etc) when it gets dark.

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Post » Fri Oct 09, 2015 12:44 am

I agree. Also, in transport mods it works better to add a light to player instead of having it in the moving creature
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Nicole M
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Post » Fri Oct 09, 2015 1:29 am

Ah, I see. Okay then, no objections :)

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Lizbeth Ruiz
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Post » Thu Oct 08, 2015 9:20 pm

if patching is possible without interfering with light normally emitting from player or creatures, it may be worth.
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Post » Fri Oct 09, 2015 9:45 am

Whenever I see the oportunity to play the smart a s s, I take it. This mod only adds glow maps and nothing else :D

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Kayleigh Mcneil
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Post » Thu Oct 08, 2015 11:16 pm

Oh crap, it's true. My bad, I confused it with

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Cool Man Sam
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Post » Fri Oct 09, 2015 1:17 am

As said, the issue is in the NPC lights auto-equipping behavior*. Equipping lights means they're wielded, in lieu of a shield.
I didn't even know lights of a certain type (certainly not regular ones...) in inventories could emit light just by being there. Nice. Though you can also use the Light spell effect, for similar but different results.
I thought the atronach stuff is only special particles and effects and as such. EDIT: Ah, you were referring to additional non vanilla stuff.

*: Think it may also happen in dark interiors, like caves? Certainly happens in Vivec cantons, but maybe that's a game being dumb thing and it only happens at night indoors too, never noticed. :D
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Marion Geneste
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Post » Fri Oct 09, 2015 10:21 am

NPCs go into avoidance mode if the player has more than a 45-degree elevation advantage. The problem is, it (intentionally) measures from the centre of each actor's bounding box giving taller characters an advantage. Jumping at close range can also trigger it if your acrobatics is good enough. It's pretty silly and I may have to cut it completely.
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Amanda savory
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Post » Fri Oct 09, 2015 7:28 am

Yeah, it can be pretty darn silly and random. Any fix would be appreciated. Guards running for the hills because I jumped...

Even if the freak out and flee is completely cut, the fix would be optional and it'd still be technically possible to script a MWSE loop through enemies when the player is levitating and have them react better if they're out of reach (e.g. large distance, vertical distance), such as flee (not when player's just jumping) or switch to ranged weapons or spells or even cast Levitate themselves. It's doable. Fliggerty was actually planning/working on implementing various more advanced AI combat stuff after Protective Guards and Fleeing Fetchers, though he'd stopped a while ago.

Wait, does what you said mean they can potentially start fleeing even if you're like standing on higher ground than them on a hilly area? Man.
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Daniel Holgate
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Post » Fri Oct 09, 2015 2:11 am is available.

All the beta 15 features,

  • Bound items expiry fix. When a bound armor spell is cast, the game should remember the last worn item in those slots it replaces. This didn't work for clothing or bracers. Gloves, bracers, and shoes are now re-equipped correctly after an armor spell expires.
  • Incorrect item sound fix. Changes inventory pickup and drop sounds for axes to blunt weapons, and throwing weapons to arrow sounds. Changes potion use sound to the correct drink sound instead of swallow. Allows use of GetSoundPlaying with drink and swallow sounds.
  • Inventory sounds for axes. Allows a mod to set axe inventory sounds instead of them sharing a sound ID with another weapon.
  • Repair item fix. Fixes inventory problems/crashes with repairing bound weapons and armor by disabling the repair of bound items.
  • Disintegrate weapon fix. Fixes the Disintegrate Weapon magic effect, which was causing no damage to weapons in full condition. Fixes disintegrate over time effects applying a reduced amount due to rounding errors, by silently converting all disintegrate effects into instant effects on hit.
  • Strength-based hand to hand damage. No longer affects werewolves. Thanks to raym for identifying werewolfclawmult.
  • Water environment sound fix. Prevents the underwater sound effects from disappearing when you use a door from one underwater area, to another underwater area. Fixes the choice of water ambience sound; the game now uses morrowind.ini settings NearWaterOutdoorID for nearby water in exteriors, and NearWaterIndoorID for interior water.
  • 'Talked to PC' extension. Changes the 'Talked to PC' dialog flag to only be set when you say goodbye to an NPC.
  • Confiscated item fix. Prevents guards from always taking items they have confiscated before. Merchants will no longer seize items stolen from their faction containers in the past. Taking items belonging to dead people not longer marks the item as stolen. Fixed a problem with clearing stolen flags for jail sentences.
  • Ownership tooltip. Items you look at will show if they are 'Owned' or 'Faction Owned' in their tooltip.
  • Russian fixes. Fixes the width of the spell effect creator window. The window was too narrow, cutting part of the duration slider.
  • Compatibility. Allows patching of the Cenega TES Anthology version of Morrowind, English and Polish versions. A few character input problems in the console remain.
  • Fix enchant options on ranged. Prevents the "Cast on Strike" enchanting use option from appearing for bows and crossbows.
  • Drop command fix. Fixes the script command "Drop" to drop items at the actor's feet instead of near the player or where the player is looking.
  • Creature voiceover modding. Allows modded creatures to play Hello and Idle voiceovers.
  • Createmaps/fillmaps fix. Fixes the fillmaps command to display locations from all mods instead of just Morrowind.
  • Level-up stats bug fix. Fixes a bug where the UI would display two overlapped multiplier labels if an attribute had exactly 3 level-ups.
  • Lock level scripting. Modifies the GetLevel script command to additionally work on locked objects. It returns the lock level, 0 for unlocked, and -1 for items without a lock.
  • Weapon reach issues. Fixes fHandToHandReach to work for the player too, not just for NPCs.
  • Shortcut key improvements. When examining a container, you may take all items by pressing the "Ready Weapon" key.
  • Self-enchanting fix. Corrects the chance of successfuly self-enchanting an item with multiple spell effects. Also adjusts the enchanting UI to stay open if self-enchanting fails, to allow multiple attempts at the same enchant with spare soul gems.
  • Ammunition fix. Corrects the counter on ranged ammunition inventory icons when the equipped ammunition was hidden by an inventory filter.
  • Dropping from inventory fix. Fixes a very specific situation where dropping items to the ground while levitating or falling, and also in third person, would cause the item to be lost.
  • Placeitem fix. Correctly saves items placed by scripts into cells that the player has not visited yet. Previously the item would be placed, but the game would not save the new item unless the player has visited the target cell. Affects the PlaceItem and PlaceItemCell commands.
  • Creature magicka/fatigue fix. Creatures have independent settings of maximum magicka and fatigue, which are replaced with an auto-calculated value after saving/loading or attribute changes. This fix modifies the scaling of creature magicka with intelligence, and disables the recalculation of creature fatigue. * Fixed calculation bug that caused frozen creatures.

plus more recently...

  • Summoned creature crash fix. Updated to correct a problem with the fix which crashed when a summon killed its own summoner with a spell.
  • Knocked out NPCs. Updated so it only affects stealing, and no longer allows dialogue or other interaction with NPCs.
  • Water environment sound fix. Works when moving from underwater to cells with no water, instead of leaving the underwater sound playing.
  • Mercantile fix. Repairs on minorly damaged items that appear to cost 1 gold, now correctly deduct that 1 gold.
  • Enchanted item rebalance. Updated. The enchanted item cooldown is 3 seconds, down from 4 seconds. Enchant skill 100 allows 1.66x casts from a full charge, up from 1.33x. The fading recharge icon has a clearer division between charging and ready.
  • Improved animation support. The player can now display idle animations through the use of playgroup/loopgroup scripting.
  • Loud interface / armor sounds fix. Fixes many more occurances of maximum volume sounds.
  • Position/PositionCell fix. Fixes an issue with PositionCell that prevented NPC scripting from running correctly, and properly activates actor collision when an actor is moved to the current cell.
  • Better spell merchants. A merchant's list of spells for sale now includes the spell magicka cost.
  • Travel cost fix. Fixes incorrect counting of passengers (player + companions) with all travel services, which were intended to charge per passenger.
  • Trainer price/stat fix. Trainers now only choose which skills to train using their base skill points, allowing mercantile improving effects to be used without making mercantile an offered skill.
  • Telekinesis fix. Fixes telekinesis to allow long distance interaction with lights, ammunition, books, and activators.
  • Map-texture conflict fix. Allows "" to be replace with a texture of a different size, without breaking the world map.
  • NPC behaviour fixes. Minor improvements to fleeing AI, how followers handle knockdown, and NPC light equipping.
  • Followers that are knocked down will no longer be forced to follow you in a glitchy knockdown state. They will stay down until their fatigue becomes positive.
  • NPCs fleeing from combat use the correct flee distance, instead of fleeing a very short distance and stopping all actions. Only relevant with modded AI settings.
  • NPCs no longer immediately flee if you have a height advantage through jumping or standing on steep slopes.
  • Ammo damage tooltip. Item tooltips will now show the damage range on ammunition.

Please throughly check the new AI features. There are multiple flee states, the changed one is for non-pathgrid areas and requires line of sight, so try it on open terrain first. I haven't time to find all the possible flee states, tell me if there are other problems.

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Jonathan Windmon
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Post » Fri Oct 09, 2015 2:44 am

Absolutely amazing update! :D :banana: I'll test all of those tomorrow.
The trainer fix also means you can no longer use Fortify Skill on Touch to upgrade any trainer into any master trainer, right? Also worth mentioning in the desc.
Will there be an option to see the current casting chance too in the spellbuying window? Maybe you could use whatever function the spellmaker uses to calculate spell cost instead if it's better, although the chance shown in spellbuying being the same as the one shown in the right click menu really wouldn't be a big deal.
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Janine Rose
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Post » Fri Oct 09, 2015 3:00 am

Hrnchamd I'm having a problem with inventory and unsure which patch is causing it

I select ingredients for example bread - immediately I get a popup asking me how many I want to select it defaults to the maximum you have - I have 3 so just push ok

However I then drag the ingredients onto my character as I want to eat them - as soon as I have eaten 1 ingredient I am not left with 2 to drag onto my avatar but instead have to go pick up the bread again get the popup message again and rinse and repeat

Seeing as my mod requires you to eat a number of ingredients I'd like to know which of the ingredient patches has caused this so I can turn it off - thanks

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Spooky Angel
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Post » Fri Oct 09, 2015 2:47 am

Fantastic! Thank you Hrnchamd!

EDIT - I am afraid that I the texture conflict patch does not yet wholly work. If applied without the map expansion fix it positions the mouse pointer and location markers wrongly (my character was just outside of Caldera when this screenshot was taken) and adds somewhat larger depictions of the Ascadian Isles at the bottom of the map and on the right, partly overlapping with the regular map:

Perhaps the texture the executable refers to has to be exactly 256*256 pixels in size. I have a smaller _land_default texture that could be used for this purpose, although, if I understand your explanation in the MCP application correctly, any 256*256 texture should work.

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Kayla Bee
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Post » Thu Oct 08, 2015 10:11 pm

It's always worked like that, using items wasn't changed until Oblivion. Either shift-click to pick up the stack without a pop up, or bind the ingredient to a quick key.

This is the inevitable result of loading a savegame with an expanded map, into a game without the expansion patch. I try to warn people in the patch description. Is there any way the description could be clarified?

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Gill Mackin
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Post » Thu Oct 08, 2015 11:37 pm

I was wondering if the "FillMap" command could be fixed to search all the cells. (Hopefully this is the correct place to ask for new features).

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casey macmillan
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Post » Fri Oct 09, 2015 10:00 am

It's already there, if you look at the beta 15 features. I just copied them into a spoiler in the beta post.

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