One-click item transfers, anyone? I'm getting so tired of dragging items. It's the only thing I can really complain about in Morrowind. If you have another inventory open, clicking on an item would just move it between its inventory and yours. Just like the when bartering.
Doesn't the Code patch have this feature already?
For me the items get simply tranfered when I click on them. No need to drag. Close the container with spacebar then.
I use MCP 2.0, but I haven't found the feature which need to be selected in the MCP options window. Maybe it's already in by default.
€:Ah I see what you mean. The above feature what I described only works when there is one item (or stacked items) in a container. If you have different items you still need "take all", or "open container", left-click the item, close container..repeat