There is a bug with the local maps. Anywhere in the game, local maps are accurate, and the relation to dimensions and locations of statics and landscape are to scale and correct, excepted for the Red Mountain, especially the part across the area inside the magical wall.
This whole area seems to be a rough assembly of cells, directly drawn from several part of the whole map. This makes statics appear to be cut or shifted to different parts, cells assembling poorly and producing differences in shapes and colours from several parts of a static. Furthermore, the display of borders with Tribunal does not match well in this area (which is not a problem for the players but confirm the assembly/joint problem).There are even joints where the pieces of the wall are not connected, as if there was a free passage.
It's not a very serious problem to play the game, apart a few visual glitches on the local map. But for modding it's different. Someone who would try to connect the map coordinates and the landscape will get headache, because the connection between map and landscape is working everywhere excepted in this area. The coordinates of free space on the map may match well with the location of a rock on the ground (i.e., it makes the teleportation and marks very aproximative). And this cannot be corrected by a mod.
Here is a screenshot: