But I would still need to replace the statics with activators. As I have said, my wish is to avoid that so that mod added content doesn't need a patch. If I could add a script to a static, it would work anywhere. I know it's not a huge deal patch other mods, but it would be nice to script statics.
If I understand you correctly, you're proposing to attach a script to an existing static object id which would then update every reference of that object. Your mod would have to load after all other mods adding content based on that object id to guarantee no other mod overrides your change.
That's actually poor mod design - in order to avoid conflicts with other mods and not worry about load order, you should always create a unique instance of an object id and point what existing references you want to the new id. If another mod tries to delete what it expects to be a standard unscripted static and you've attached a script to it that's still running, you're going to crash the game. Only your mod would know for sure that the script is there and active and be able to gracefully stop that script before deleting the object reference.
So there's no difference, you going to need to replace one id with another. Activators ARE scripted statics - and as Yacoby tried to tell you that's what Bethesda designed them for. -_-