The primary fix included is a large change to the savegame code to reduce the majority of crashes, corruption, and missing objects. It also makes the game properly respond to changes in your load list, making inserting and removing mods from your savegames a lot safer. There are many more smaller fixes that cover all areas of the game.
All fixes and gameplay changes included are optional, you can independently select which ones you want to use in the installer.
Compatible with English, West European, Polish, Russian and Steam editions. Compatible with MGE, MWSE, MWE, and FPS Opt 1.96. Not compatible with FPS Opt 2.0. Also, improved Russian version compatibility (supports GFM dll).
Version 1.9 is out now.
New in 1.9:
- Magicka display accuracy. Causes the magicka display (and all stats displays of the form "current/max") to round down, so that it does not falsely indicate you have more magicka than you do. Also affects the 'charges remaining' display for items in the magic menu.
- Hi-def cutscene support. Allows mods to include cutscenes up to 2048x1024 (the default maximum was 640x480).
- Potion name fix. Stops Morrowind from randomly claiming you should enter a name for a potion, when a name is present.
- Spellmaker/enchant edit effect fix. When editing an existing spell effect, the effect range [Touch/Ranged/Self] is no longer reset.
- Allow scroll enchant price modifier. Allows enchanting services NPCs to charge a different price for cast once items, like scrolls.
- Save file limit warning. Warns you when you go to save and have a large number of save files (over 200) in the directory.
- Allow multiple fortify potions. Allows potions to have multiple fortify/drain attribute effects, where it would previously allow only one of the attributes fortified/drained in a set of ingredients to appear in the potion.
- On-use ring smart equip. Allows rings with an on-use enchant to be equipped along with two constant effect rings.
- Enchanted item rebalance. Reduces the effect that enchant skill has on item charge use. Enchanted on-use items now have a 4 second cooldown.
- Hidden traps. Turns off the display of trap status on object tooltips, so that there is no obvious warning of trapped objects.
- Japanese localization. Integrated patch by TObject. Allows Japanese language fonts in dialogue.
See the previous threads to see how this came about:
Repairing those Cogs
Now that MCP improves aspects of the graphics and animation handling, you can discuss how to make mods with these new features
MCP 2.0 beta is in the works.
- Swift casting. It's like the casting in TES IV: Patrick Stewart Is Dead, though your weapon swings rather close to your neck when you cast while holding it. Someone should really fix the weapon bone on that animation. NPCs can cast while holding weapons, and are a bit faster on the draw. Quick slots no longer cause a stance change. Ready spell stance is available at quickslot 10. Wiggly arm not included.
- Blight storm disease disable. Avoids invisible inactive blight diseases being added in blight storms.
- Russian Argonian swim animation. Argonian specific swim animation wasn't playing due to the translated race name.
- Alchemy name bug fix/weight rewrite. Fixes potion weight from reducing if you make several kinds of potion in one go, and also useless ingredients making potions lighter. Potion weight is now (0.75*total ingredients weight + 0.6) / (1 + alembic quality). Merged with potion name fix at the moment.
- Movement speed fix - Normalizes race speed. Orcs were up to 35% faster and bosmer up to 5% slower than baseline before any stats were taken into account due to body scaling.
- Trainer price/stat fix - Trainers no longer refuse to train you if your fortified skill points is above theirs, but not your base skill. They also no longer train 1 point past their level. Relatedly the progress bar when you mouseover a skill does not go away if your fortified skill is above 100, but not your base skill.
- Game formula corrections - GMST formula that controls fatigue generated by spellcasting is fixed (see description). PC/NPC weapon damage can now be controlled by the fDamageStrengthBase/Mult GMSTs.
- Creature armor rating - Creatures now gain AR and therefore damage reduction from shield spells. The GMST damage reduction cap is ignored in this case.
- Disable put away animation controller unequip weaponready script fixchange - Removes put away weapon state on all unequips and on switches to hand to hand. This will need a lot of testing to see if anything breaks. Check what happens when weapons break, etc.
- Pickpocket rewrite - Pickpocket mechanic was broken by default, rewrite in progress.
- Slowfall, the companion killer - Stops companions with slowfall dying on cell transition.
- Drain intelligence exploit - It's gone, no more free magicka.
- Last rank display fix - doesn't display next rank for factions with less than 10 ranks that you are a max rank with.
- Birthsign mouseover fix - corrects spell text ordering so spells and powers come under the correct headings.