The primary fix included is a large change to the savegame code to reduce the majority of crashes, corruption, and missing objects. It also makes the game properly respond to changes in your load list, making inserting and removing mods from your savegames a lot safer. There are many more smaller fixes that cover all areas of the game.
Version 1.3 is out now.
The files are also available on
Morrowind Code Patch is fully compatible with UMP, MGE, MWSE and MWE. It does not currently work with the Steam version of Morrowind, I am aware of that but need to work with Valve to get it going.
Here is a summary of the current features:
- Month fix (missing Morning Star)
- Enchanted item display bug
- Mercantile bug
- Transparent clothes in the inventory
- Unarmored bug
- Spellmaking limits
- Enchanted item value increase
- Merchant equipping
- Restore attributes fix
- Stealing from knocked out NPCs
- Reflect fix
- NPC health bar change
- StreamMusic fix
- Calm spells fix
- Vampire stats fix
- ESP load order fix
- Damage fatigue change
- Map expansion
- Local ref / savegame bugfix
- Variable spell magnitude fix
- Disposition bugfix
See the description on tesnexus for more details.
See the previous threads to see how this came about:
Repairing those Cogs
Note, if this crashes your Morrowind, please fill in this crash report and PM it to
Patch version (check the readme):
Detail what happens just before it crashes:
Detail any Morrowind error messages:
And most important, in the Windows crash dialog ("blabla has encountered an error and has stopped working"), click the more details link ("to see what data this error report contains", different wording for different Windows versions), then click "to view technical information", and copy and paste the first 20 lines.
Bug tracker
based on the Morrowind/MCP bug list, compiled from the "Repairing the Cogs ..." threads by Mordicus:
New reported bugs (not fixed by MCP) posted by Arsuru
(fixed in next release)
Have a companion using Soul Trap spell. Give your companion the Spell Drinker (Mages Guild quest reward, Daedric Dagger with Soul Trap 30 seconds) and a few soul gems. Start a combat, let your companion fight and be attacked. Soul Trap works as planned, however, when you open your inventory, it shows the companion inventory. Sometimes it showed nothing until you open your inventory a second time.
Accessing any inventory other than your own (corpse, companion, barter), bringing up the enchanting menu, and traveling before opening your own inventory may prevent this. by Alexxx
(not reproducible, confirmed)
Example 1: I have 5 snow wolf pelts and order a piece of armour requiring 2 pelts. I check my inventory and find that I still have 5. I drop them on the ground. When I reload I have 3 pelts in my inventory... No wonder that my encumbrance is 20-30 units below what it should be.
Example 2 (by Tyraa Rane): say I have 20 pieces of crab meat to give to one of the NPCs from Cutthroat's Minor Quest mod. I talk to him; he takes the crab meat. I click "goodbye" and open my inventory--the crab meat's still there. Go and talk to him again, pick up the quest again (you can do the quests ad infinitum if you want), and re-open my more crab meat. It's almost as if the inventory isn't "refreshing" properly. by DavidB1111.
(not reproducible, not confirmed yet)
Create a monster that has summon Bonelord spells, or bonewalker, anything, and get it to cast the spell near a cell transition door. Now kill it, and before it finishes the death animation, which kills the summons, walk through the door. Bam, instant Crash to Desktop. With an error message. This is easy to do with BigMod 2 with the Uber Bonelords that summon bonelords. by abg
(reproducible, confirmed, found by Emma too)
bug 1: NPCs quickly loose the benefit of magical items with constant effects. If they keep a magic item on them (a ring, etc.), the equipped item has no more magic effect on them. It is very easy to check. For example, add an magic item to your NPC:
AddItem, "Montain spirit", 1
(this artefact is an armor with a constant magical shield effect, so easy to notice either it is active or not)
Then, go for a walk with your NPC companion, sooner or later, his armor will loose the shield effect. It is not only a visual flaw, and the same bug occurs with different magical items. It is hard to determine how and when exactly the bug occurs, but it is not connected with the 72 hours "bug" (not really a bug). For more info, see
bug 2: NPCs do not use magical items which are not fully charged (at 100%). To check this, add an item:
AddItem, "cruel sparkbolt ring", 1
Then, start a fight. Your companion will use the ring only once, although it has many others charges. So he won't use it any more, excepted if the item is fully recharged.
bug 3: Magical items carried by NPCs do never regenerate. Even after 24h, a magical ring used a few times will keep its status bar unfilled.
bug 4: NPCs have suicidal tendencies: they will use on them any magical item with negative effects! To provoke this bug:
AddItem, "amulet of 6th house", 1
And then start a fight. The Amulet of 6th House drains the fatigue of the wearer.
bug 5: Many magical effects (like spells) are totally ignored by the AI. A list of those unused magical effects could be established, it's not easy, but some have been identified: spells like restore health, conjuration, etc. The same bug occurs with Bloodmoon conjuration spells, they are never used by NPCs (while NPCs use Morrowind conjuration spells). by Silverglade, Kirel.
(reproducible, confirmed)
In Morrowind weather changes don't register with the game until the transition from one type of weather to another is complete - if you enter an interior during this transition then the interior effects for the previous weather type will play. Also, weather changes don't register with the game in interior cells, so you may find you enter an interior while it's raining, hear the rain effect but leave to find it's now clear. As far as I know these are limitations of the game that would be ineffcient if not impossible to work around. Another consequence of this is that if you teleport from one interior to another the game won't register the exterior weather for the new cell, and you'll still hear the effects for the previous cell. Again, limitations of the game. by Mordicus
(with or without MCP, reproducible, not confirmed)
If you are attacked by an hostile NPC (ie: dark brotherhood), knock him down and steal his stuff while a guard is near (since "Allow Stealing from KOed NPC" fix from MCP allow you to do this), the guard will consider you are robbing someone and will catch you. by Narfblat
(with or without MCP, not easily reproducible but confirmed)
If a summon spell ends after the player has left the cell, any abilities or diseases on the summoned creature remain in the game's memory, while the creature does not. When the player loads a save where this has occurrred, it gives errors like failed to load spell "brown rot", continue running executable? The player can click through the errors, and the message is not given on saves made afterward. The issue doesn't appear to cause further problems, but it's better to be safe than sorry.
References: by Arsuru
(fixed in next patch)
If you have an item in a quickslot and use it until you have none left, you will still have one in your inventory. Clicking on this "ghost item" will cause a CTD. Obtaining more of x item does not remove the ghost item. Directly replacing the item in the quickslot does. However, deleting the item from the quickslot and then replacing it, without first exiting the quickslot menu often caused a CTD for me when using the new item in the quickslot. I got a Pointer Memory Error once when clicking on the ghost items resulting in a Restore save, which upon loading the ghost item was gone. Saving and reloading/exiting gets rid of the ghost item too. I was able to repeat this consistently, and it worked for only for items chosen from the "Inventory Menu".
Temporary solution (by Stacet): I think I have found the best solution so far too get rid if this "Ghost item". After you have used all item from a quickslot and the message box says "You no longer have
You can also generate two or more of thise "ghost items' by assigning different kind of items/potions too different quickslots and then use them up. But they all disappear by doing one of the two things I have discripted or by saving and reloading as well.
Refs:, by Dragon32, Gez.
The createmaps function is quite dumb. It loads all interior cells, even though it doesn't make maps for them... adding an interior cell check and skipping any interiors might be a nice idea.
Refs: on forum. by Lord Udedenkz
(confirmed by tetchy)
Jump While Someone is Talking, Their Voices Squeak While You Are In the Air. Not sure if present in software accelerated mode, but something triggers this during the jump. That also happens near creatures - basically any sound generator will increase in pitch and speed when you jump. I think it has to do with being positioned above the sound source.
Refs: by BTB
(confirmed by Psyringe, not related to MGE)
Can this patch fix the fog of war issue? I'm talking about how the fog of war just randomly stops revealing itself as you walk along. You end up in these big black boxes of nothing, and then eventually a large chunk of map you've never been anywhere near shows up.
Psyringe: The problem you describe (local map turning black / fog of war not being lifted any more) is well known (and rather annoying). I don't know of any efforts to fix it. I can't tell whether it's fixable.
Refs: (and following posts), by Surgo
(not confirmed)
The "Take All" button on containers has a bug where if you use it, the container's GetItemCount function will return the number of that item that existed in the container before the player used Take All. It will continue to return this value for all future function calls. by Arsuru
(not confirmed)
It seems that curses that damage an attribute can be cured with a restore attribute effect. This breaks curses added by mods. Maybe this is why curses and the remove curse effect are not in the game? Can it be made so that a curse can only be removed with the remove curse effect? By Laugan
(reproducible, confirmed by Arsuru)
I'm working on a bug&balance fixing project and found one bug very annoying. I fixed work of the traps, trap spells and use of the probes. After my fixes, traps are working as expected. Thief classes can use probes to disarm traps, warriors can try to survive, mages can set off traps from distance using telekinesis. Many traps use area effects to deal damage if you have only weak telekinesis, so you must have strong spell to avoid damage. That how it must work, but it's not working that way. Area effect of traps is broken completely. It does not deal damage even if you are in half-meter before trap and the worst mage can avoid all traps in the game by using 10 point telekinesis. It is a very annoying bug. Is there a way to fix it?
Arsuru: Traps must be set on touch to hurt anything. I get errors about invalid traps if I set them to target or self. Odd note: you can set area to 0 and still be affected. Also, only the PC can be touched I think, as any NPC I put in the way was unharmed, unless the area was large enough to hit the PC as well. In that case it can be seen as a crime if the trap kills the NPC. I think the problem with the area effect not working when triggered from a distance must be because the touch spell finds no target. It is the same as if the PC casts a touch spell with an area effect but misses their target.
MCP related bugs or not completely fixed by MCP by Artimis Fowl the 3rd.
(fix available in next release)
Example: I have a small glitch with cure disease. In vanilla Morrowind when you cure a disease it will undo the effects of the disease (up to your base stats). With MCP allowing you to restore back to your enhanced stats, it should also allow you to cure the effect on your enhanced stats. However, if you catch Brown Rot with MCP running and have a ring with a 10 strength bonus (and base stats of 100), when you cast cure disease your strength goes to 100. Then you have to use a restore strength potion, spell or shrine.
Example by Arsuru: While playing with Necessities of Morrowind, I realized that after drinking, my intelligence wasn't restored because it was fortified by Mentor's Ring. I checked the NoM esp, and the effects are curses. I imagine fixing this would be like fixing the restore attribute bug.
Temporary solution: Take the ring off before doing the cure disease. by fragonard
(confirmed by Psyringe and others)
I've had a problem with Madd Leveler and the code patch: Fortify intelligence doesn't wear off normally; sometimes it starts to drop and then stays at a high level and sometimes it goes negative. This has happened in two separate games. I have used Madd leveler for years so I assume it's a conflict with the code patch, perhaps the restore attribute changes.
Temporary solution: disable the "Restore Attributes" fix in the MCP setup by Shanjaq
(not confirmed, but may be linked to others bugs reported with inventory)
Mercantile Bug in Patched EXE: High Disposition cause purchase of 15 items return only 5 items to player inventory. Purchase of 25 returns 10. Example: bought 15 Spore Pods from the breton alchemist in Caldera Mage's Guild, only 5 actually in inventory after completing transaction. by Mordicus
(not confirmed)
I noticed something that may be a bug... When fighting H2H with a guard, knocking him down and then stealing him (knocked out NPCs bug fixed), a journal often appears in the inventory and can be stolen many times (as if the journal was "regenerating"). Thus I could steal 8 Journals on a guard in Mournhold, and also to another imperial guard in Seyda Nyhin. I am using MWE and the mod "Enhanced Stealth" but it does not appear to be linked. Could someone try to reproduce this bug and check if it's coming from my mod configuration? Is it a bug or just something related to way the engine is handling the guard class? by Arsuru
(known issue)
I've found another issue with the transparent clothes fix. In addition to breaking the enchanted item glow when removed and leaving the enchanted item glow fix enabled, the enchanted item glow fix seems to work when disabled as long as the transparent clothes fix is enabled.
Bugs that won't be fixed for various reasons by bjam, cyran0, etc.
(reproducible, confirmed)
Such as cellupdate (broken), CellChange (not always working, particularly fails with teleportation).
References: by john.moonsugar, Openmindsuffer, etc.
(visible, confirmed)
NPCs heads and bodies flickering, doors disappearing and reappearing. When close to a body of water, sometimes the dry land nearby keeps showing water. And many similar effects.
Possible temporary solution: The problem appears to be a "z-buffer" clipping issue. Sometimes called Z-buffer fighting. You may be able to solve the problem if your driver configuration allows you to set the "Depth Buffer Bit Depth" from 16 to 24 or even 32. by Mordicus
(easy to check in the TESCS and in game)
- taking OUT/AWAY an axe uses the same sound ID then taking OUT/AWAY a bow (it's very easy to hear in game) - both weapons should have different ID.
- there is no sound ID for taking OUT/AWAY axes: MW plays the sound for blunt weapons (and the sound for Blunt weapons are nammed "AxeOUT" and "AxeAWAY" - there should be 2 different ID for each weapon (out/away) and 2 different sounds for each weapon too (axeOUT/AWAY and bluntOUT/AWAY).
- taking OUT/AWAY throwing weapons (darts, daggers, etc.) uses the blunt sound ID and wav that for blund weapons (should have a specific ID and sound, the job was probably not finished...)
If new ID are added, that would be easy to create and add new sounds. by Arkngt
(confirmed by UESP Wiki)
The way it's set up is both suicidal and seems illogical:
Fortify Health M points for D seconds
Temporarily raises the target's Health by M points for D seconds. After the spell expires, their Health will be restored to its former value, minus any damage received while the spell was active.
Notes: This effect has an unfortunate bug which can make it very dangerous to use in large doses. When the spell is active, your natural health is lowered first when you are damaged. As soon as it expires, the amount of health you added is then subtracted from whatever you have at that time, regardless of how much damage you have taken. Thus you should be very careful not to cast any spell or use any item which more than doubles your natural Health maximum. If you do so, and then take more than your natural Health value in damage before the spell runs out, you will drop dead as soon as it expires. One way to prevent this is to get a piece of clothing (NOT armor) enchanted with a constant effect Fortify Health, and wear it all the time when using such spells. (Armor with this enchantment will work as well, but if the armor ever becomes damaged to the point of breaking, you may experience the same bug when it does.)
Refs: on UESP Wiki, by lostminstrel
(hardly reproducible, not confirmed yet)
It is possible to have NPCs permanently under the effects of a Command Humanoid spell it seems. I can't always duplicate this "error" (which I quite enjoy, though it is wrong), but it does happen often enough. It seems that if you cast a command humanoid spell on an qualified NPC (one that can be affected by the spell's mganitude), and leave a building shortly after, the NPC will continue to follow you past the spell's intended duration.
Try the following. Enchant an exquisite amulet with Command Humanoid 20-20 for 8 seconds on touch (and put a good soul in it). Use this amulet on the guy in Ghostgate holding Auriel's Bow (he is level 18). Cast, then run away. He should eventually run to catch up. It is important you "dislodge" him from his fixed position. After the spell wears off, he will wander on his own power to the exit. Don't interrupt this journey (i.e. do not approach him so he greets you). Once he is in front of the exit, approach him, and allow the greeting. Next, cast the amulet again. As soon as the visual effects from the spell's casting are gone, activate the door to go outside. Move around. He should be following you....well past the 8 seconds of the enchantment's duration.
I've done this consistantly with that Auriel's Bow guy and with the Auriel's Shield girl (it's a handy way to get those items, because you can lead them on suicide missions into Red Mountain and not get kicked out of the Temple when they perish). I can also do it with some High Ordinators (with a command humanoid 60-60 for 5 seconds on touch daedric towershield) and Hllau guards, though it does not always work with those, perhaps because I did not immediately activate the door to transition areas after casting the spell. by Arsuru
(confirmed, reproducible, unfixable)
Merchants will take all of an item from your inventory with the same ID as the item stolen from them. Fliggerty had an idea that seems like it could work. There is also the issue with placing a non-stolen item into a container with ownership, and then it counts as stolen when you take it out again.
Features that could (only) be added by MCP & Suggestions by CyranO
(released in 1.3)
I had put off revising scripts that mark the passage of time (days) fearing the uncertainty now introduced by having access to a working calendar. I was worried that the coding would have to be different if one player is using the Code Patch and another is not, and sadly my concern is justified. Since I do hope it is possible to detect that via script, perhaps in the next update of the Code Patch the Original (eleven month) calendar can be reconciled with the New (twelve month) calendar.
The difficulty is that the number of days in any given month is different (excepting month 7) between the two calendars. Any script that depends on knowing the number of days in a month cannot function reliably. I expect that the decision was not made lightly and perhaps there are difficulties I have not anticipated that make my proposal impossible, but what if...
Instead of adding month 0 (Morning Star), changing the number of days associated with the month number and keeping the name of the month constant, and the month at the end (month 12), we keep the number of days the same for a given numbered month just change the name of the month associated with it.
Whether or not this is feasible or desirable, if you are still considering the fixing of functions having GetPCFacRep available would be very convenient.
See complete tables and explanation by Kovacius
The lack of any way to identify an equipped weapon, to apply either damage or repair to an equipped or inventory item, or add a "damaged" item to the game through scripts has stopped me in at least 3 cases now, and I haven't been able to come up with "workarounds". For all intents and purposes, those partially completed mods are as good as dead unless someone manages to pull off a "minor miracle" like the code patch. I'm sure there are a handful of other functions which certain modders would gladly trade a body part for.....
I've been told that MWSE can't alter the condition of items either in inventory or equipped, but I've got no clue if it allows alterations to the condition of randomly generated items. So far, any damaged items in the game have been placed and then altered. If you lower the condition of an item (not a reference to an item) from 200/200 it would become 150/150, not 150/200, so you can't put a damaged item in a random list.
Merchants in the game have damaged items only because the individual item was pre-placed in their shop and THEN damage was applied, they never get more. It's probably why you find corpses with weapons and armor in perfect condition: easier than having to hand-apply the damage to each item. by Arsuru
(fix available in next release)
I'd like the ability to add the same effect more than once. For example, the Scrolls of Elemental Burst all contain duplicate effects, but it's not possible to make a similar spell. Multiple summons come to mind also. You cannot create a spell at a spellmaker that has duplicate effects, other than fortify attribute and fortify skill effects effects. That is probably because there are different attributes and skills to fortify.
You can, for example, make:
Fortify Alchemy 100 pts on Self
Fortify Alchemy 100 pts on Self
Fortify Alchemy 100 pts on Self
Fortify Alchemy 100 pts on Self
Fortify Alchemy 100 pts on Self
Fortify Alchemy 100 pts on Self
Fortify Alchemy 100 pts on Self
Fortify Alchemy 100 pts on Self
To make super potions. But you cannot make:
Fire Damage 20 pts in 5 ft on Touch
Fire Damage 10 pts in 10 ft on Touch
Fire Damage 1-5 pts in 10 ft for 3 secs on Touch
Summon Skeletal Minion for 60 secs on Self
Summon Skeletal Minion for 60 secs on Self
If you try to add a duplicate effect other than fortify attribute/skill, you get a message stating: "This effect has already been added." While you can make such spells in the CS an then add them to a spell merchant or through the console, you cannot make such a spell in game; which is what I am asking for. As it is doable with fortify attribute/skill effects, it may be possible with the others. by john.moonsugar
(fix available in next release)
I've found that the magicka cost of a spell is:
(BASE_COST * DURATION/20 * MAGNITUDE * 1.5) + AREA * 0.1875
I tested this on my current mage character and found that for me, the formula was very close if I changed the constant 20 to 10:
Constructing this simple spell: "Fire Damage 100pts/1s"
I got the following costs for varying Area:
5 * 1/10 * 100 * 1.5 + 0.1875 * Area
My proposal is to change the multiplier 0.1875 into an exponent so that Area of Effect (AoF) spells cost a lot more. The basic reasoning is that if it costs 75 points of magicka to damage one enemy, it ought to cost a whole lot more to damage a platoon of enemies within a radius of 50 feet, instead of a pittance of an increase of 10 points of magicka...
See the for more details.
PirateLord: Simply I think the 0.1875 needs boosting. Perhaps it should have been 1.1875 or even 1.875 with the decimal put in the wrong place by accident.
Area * 0.1875 is a stupidly tiny amount to add to the cost.
Or maybe it should have been 0.1875*Area*Pi?
Refs:,, by Mr. Swiveller
The Morrowind engine uses the _land_default texture for both land tiles and the world map. It is possible to increase the resolution of this texture from the default 256 x 256 to 512 x 512 or higher. The texture will then be displayed correctly in-game, yet the world map will cease to function properly - the location pointer gets 'stuck', making it impossible to use the map for navigation (the 'local' map continues to work properly). My West Gash texture pack is among the mods guilty of introducing a high-res replacer for _land_default (I was not aware of this bug, if that is indeed what it is, until a few months ago).
Would it be possible to modify the executable in such a way that high-res versions of _land_default are fully supported? by G-Flex
(fix available in next release)
Here are the formulas used by morrowind to calculate h2h fatigue and health damage:
fatigue-damage = hand-to-hand * fHandToHandMult
health-damage = hand-to-hand * fHandToHandMult * fHandToHandHealthPer * fCombatKODamageMult
The constants are defined by default as:
fHandToHandMult = between fMinHandToHandMult and fMaxHandToHandMult
fMaxHandToHandMult = 0.5
fHandToHandHealthPer = 0.1
fCombatKODamageMult = 1.5
Some little calculation shows that the health-damage is indeed really low, even for higher h2h skill values. Therefore the monk mod increases the fHandToHandHealthPer constant to 0.4. It is hard to believe, but Bethesda somehow forgot to take your strenght or agilty into account when calculating the damage... by Psyringe
It's well known that dialogue topics can conflict with each other if they are a subphrase or superphrase of another topic. The symptom of the conflict is usually that a topic doesn't get highlighted and is not available in conversation although it should, because it is "shadowed" by another topic. This often breaks quests, but it may well be that the broken quests are just the tip of the iceberg, because shadowed non-crucial topics might simply go unnoticed. However, as a forum search for "AddTopic" shows, the problem of broken quests due to such overlapping topics is rather prevalent...
The usual remedy is to either (for users) to "AddTopic" the missing topic so that the conversation can continue as planned, or (for modders) to add the respective "AddTopic" command to the dialogue that should trigger this topic, to make sure it gets added to the player even if it gets shadowed by another topic. Neither method is optimal. The first method requires knowledge of the exact topic to add, something that is hard to find out for the inexperienced user (and often still tedious for the experienced ones). The second method relies on the discipline of the modders to always employ it, and it also has the disadvantage that the topic still doesn't get highlighted in the conversation, so the user has to look at his (perhaps rather long) list of available topics to find it.
Now, what could be done about that?
Read the whole post by abyssmal terror
(fix available in next release)
I think fixing NPCs drinking potions per frame would be a great and easy fix. Just change the call from per frame to per second or so. by Arsuru
1. The ability to add area effect to cast-on-self spells. You could heal yourself and your companions at once! Or outfit them with bound armor and weapons!
2. Summons on target so you could summon a creature near a distant enemy. I know you can do this with Fliggerty's "Enhanced Summons", but it needs MWSE.
3. Being hurt by your own spells blast radius. (refs:
4. Could it be possible to increase the amount of hours you may rest or wait? You could sleep for a whole month in Arena.
5. Could it be possible to make NPCs recognize 0 Magicka spells (just like the PC) and adding more equipment slots? (refs: by GooglyBoogly
1. Constant effect borking: make it a requirement that min=max when creating a CE item. That way no more 1-X items with 50 equips to get that 'perfect' value
- make it that effects are re-applied whenever a buff ends - no more 100% magicka resist for 1 sec then equip blinding speed boots
2. Multiple soultrap borking: only one soul per unit, so you cannot cast X differnet soultrap spells for X souls from a single source
3. Cannot rest here" message: could you change it so it displays the time/date too - it can be annoying to want to use the rest interface just to find out the time, when it is disabled due to there being 'enemies nearby'.
4. The way the engine currently works you can only modify the cost of each soulgem and the global variable fSoulGemMult, which is multiplied by the cost to produce the capacity. This means that you cannot change the capacity/unit cost of a soulgem, without changing the capacity as well. If a soulgem has 10x the capacity, it will have 10x the value/ capacity point, so when filled it is 100x more valuable (10x points for 10x worth per point). Would be nice to have a fSoulGemMult variable for EACH soulgem (or one generic one for uniques, and another for the normal ones) that way each gem could have a unique cost/capacity point (refs: