Ah, so people were abusing it by casting "Drain Intelligence on Self"?
EDIT: Hrnchamd, I'd also like to request a very important feature that would be a huge boon to large, quest-intensive mods (like all the province mods and most landmass mods): The ability to remove the player from a faction. Currently, you can be expelled from a faction, but you are still counted as a member of it by the game, your status is simply "expelled". A command in the console or a box to check in the MCP window that will remove the player from the faction when expelled would really help with quests and also enable people who play vanilla MW be able to join other Great Houses after getting expelled by their first one. If that's not possible, maybe it's possible to trick the game into thinking you have not joined the faction when status is set to expelled?
Yes, that was the exploit. but an even bigger problem was when en enemy would drain your intelligence. In that case it was entirely out of your control.
I'm all for the remove from faction idea.
That's an interesting point, I'll try looking for some mods that do that.
Though, in the case of willpower, according to the UESP wiki, the magic resistance from willpower only applies to paralyze and silence effects. If that is true, then high willpower wouldn't seem like a problem if it only makes you immune to those effects.
As for strength, yea that does seem like an issue. If you had, for example, 200 strength instead of 100, how much of a negative effect would it have?
I'm assuming that for strong enemies, the increased damage done per hit would be worth the damage done to the weapon. But when dealing with weak enemies, you'd still fully damage the weapon even if you did 10 times the damage needed to kill the enemy. If that is the case, perhaps you make it so damage done to the weapon factors this in? Basically, if you do hit enemy A for 100 damage, and only 10 is needed to kill it, then you'll only do 10% of the damage to your weapon as normal. Would doing this make high strength feasible?
Not sure about Willpower. I never noticed it make a difference, and quick test 100 and 10,000 willpower didn't make a difference. Other spells still got through
200 strength would just double the decline; both of the opponent and your weapon. A percentile system doesn't really make any sense, but it might be a good compromise. Some kind of durability modifier based on the weapon's material would be ideal in my opinion, but that won't be doable. Even better, but less doable, would be to also add some kind of similar modifier to creatire, armor, etc., so that they would affect each other. I never liked the "health" system the items use, so any improvement is welcome. I mentioned it to Hrnchamd once, but I don't know how feasible anything is.
I'm a player who wants to try everything, join every faction, do every quest... but even I would balk at the suggestion of being able to join a different House once expelled. The lore is very clear that once expelled NO House will trust you. Why would the MCP add lore-breaking options?
The same reason any other mod would? If possible, this option would open up new modding opportunities, which seems to have become somewhat of a secondary action of the MCP. You wouldn't have to join another Great House just because you could, and a simple script could easily prevent it if you were tempted. No reason you couldn't anyway, if you could find a way to RP a change in your character's identity. Disguises would be awesome in MW. Like the Gray Cowl from OB. I remember a quest in Silgrad Tower that did something to that effect. And what if you just want to quit? A Mages Guild-gone-Telvanni mage would likely want to sever their ties with the former.
@Hrnchamd: I definitely noticed the excessive restore of magicka on absorption. A 1 point spell would restore 1 magicka for each effect. Sometimes, a 1 point spell would even fill me up completely; much more than even the excess should be able to. Something is way off. =/