Nice to see this project still going! I've wanted creatures to damage armor for so long!
A few questions....on balance. I haven't tried this most recent release, but I've read the recent changes....
- Does the change to hand to hand affect werewolves in any way?
- Are projectiles (arrows, etc.) restricted to "on strike" only enchantments? Otherwise, there could be a chance to abuse some with "on use" enchantments.
- Does enchanting carry the beyond 100 and cost-to-radius increases of ordinary magic?
If so, does this affect already existing items, like my favorite low level Ring of Fireballs from Caldera? I can see the ring no longer being able to use it's own spell even once, because it had a big explosion and a small charge. Or does this change only affect "auto-calculate cost" enchantments?
And about absorbing the blessing of shrines. I've noticed that too. Sometimes, even if the spell "goes through" your absorption, you don't get your attributes or skill restored always. Activate the shrine and press the menu button right away. Go to the magic page, and check what spell effects you are under. Sometimes, even if you are under the effect of "restore (damaged attribute here)", your (damaged attribute here) stays damaged. Potion drinking restores it as normal.
Anyway, I also agree that spell absorption should not allow positive spells to pass. I love using shrines as "magicka batteries" once my Cult/Temple rank allows me to use them for free.
But on the subject of absorption and reflect, is there a way to make it so reflect is checked first? I think I may have asked this once upon a time, but the Ring of Equity has both effects, 100% Absorption and something like 70% Reflect. As it stands, absorption is checked first, so spells always get absorbed and never reflected. The reflect part just serves to chug the charge faster.

My other wish list item is merchant gold appearing in inventory if you kill/steal from them. I know a few mods that use MSE do this, but they also do a lot of other things - and use MSE, which my chunky boot computer can't run so hot alongside Morrowind already.