- Are projectiles (arrows, etc.) restricted to "on strike" only enchantments? Otherwise, there could be a chance to abuse some with "on use" enchantments.
Really, "on use" doesn't seem that bad to me for arrows, from a role playing perspective anyway, except that you would end up with hundreds of them...
But on the subject of absorption and reflect, is there a way to make it so reflect is checked first? I think I may have asked this once upon a time, but the Ring of Equity has both effects, 100% Absorption and something like 70% Reflect. As it stands, absorption is checked first, so spells always get absorbed and never reflected. The reflect part just serves to chug the charge faster.

It would be great if they could both function with one at 100%. I think something like that was mentioned not long ago, but it was deemed too complicated. Maybe it will come around one day, after all, arrow enchanting was pretty messy in the beginning.
My other wish list item is merchant gold appearing in inventory if you kill/steal from them. I know a few mods that use MSE do this, but they also do a lot of other things - and use MSE, which my chunky boot computer can't run so hot alongside Morrowind already.
That would be nice, really. But with mods it's not going to be likely I suppose, and the space could be used to fix something else. Still, one less mod is nice.
They liked around half the fixes, and have a sense of humour. Seems good to me.
Well, that's all that matters. It was funny though.
Just fixed it. There's no more discontinuities, but I need to check for performance implications. I know how to adjust the lighting culling distance if I have to keep it on.
That's awesome. You are on a roll lately. I can't tell what you like more; Morrowind or fixing it.